According to the biblical story of King Herod the Great, Jesus was born between 6 B.C. and 4 B.C., and lucky were those who existed during that time.
They saw His miracles and His works of wonders.
It must’ve been a life-changing experience to meet Jesus in person, wouldn’t you agree?
While today’s generation could only imagine what Jesus exactly looks like, one teen said he met Jesus face-to-face.
His name is Zack Clements.
When he was just 17 years old, he was presumed dead for 20 minutes.

During his high school days, Zack Clements was undoubtedly a healthy and strong student-athlete.
He was a member of the football team at Victory Life Academy in Brownwood, Texas.
Then, he lost his heartbeat.

One day, while he was running sprints during his P.E. class, Zack suddenly collapsed.
For 20 minutes straight, the unconscious teen had no heartbeat.
Paramedics tried their best and their all to revive Zack, however, they failed to get a pulse or a heartbeat.
But when they were about to pronounce him dead, miraculously, Zack’s heart started beating again.
They wasted no time and immediately airlifted Zack to Cook Children’s Hospital in nearby Fort Worth, Texas.
He wasn’t out of the woods, though.

Although his heart was beating, the doctors didn’t put their hopes high.
The absence of a heartbeat and pulse in Zack’s body for 20 minutes also meant the probability that he’d suffered irreversible brain damage was high.
They placed Zack in a medically induced coma.
Doing so would help his brain cope with the trauma.

For the next three days, Zack remained in a coma in the intensive care unit of Cook Children’s Hospital of Fort Worth, Texas.
It broke his parents’ hearts to see him unconscious. Thankfully, all those worries and fears were wiped away when he finally woke up.
To the doctors’ surprise, Zack had no signs of any kind of damage. But what he did have was a story that nobody expected.
He saw Jesus.

“When I was out those 20 minutes, I saw a man who had long ruffled hair and kind of a thick beard, and it didn’t take me long to realize that that was Jesus,” he told CBS Texas.

He saw a line of angels.
Standing at the center of the angels was Jesus. Then Jesus put his hand on Zack’s shoulder and assured him that everything was going to be all right.
It might be an unbelievable story, but Zack coming back to life was enough proof of the miracle.

“For him to wake up and tell us something he experienced like that. It’s just you can’t explain it. It’s not humanly possible to explain it,” said Zack’s father, Billy Clements.
Zack’s mother, Teresa Clements said her son’s case was a mystery even to the doctors.
However, she believed that what happened to her son was a result of divine intervention.
“I’m just glad he decided to let me have my baby back,” said Teresa.
A miracle no matter how you cut it.

Since coming back to life, Zack said he felt like a stronger person and that he felt as if someone was watching over him from afar.
Hear Zack recollect his meeting with Jesus in the video below!
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