This was the day when men and women all over the world paused and cried. A day when mentally drained and emotionally tired adults sat back, reflected, and hugged each other.
We’re talking, of course, about Steve’s message. Mr. Blue’s Clues himself spoke to the world recently and he hit all the right spots. Who knew that the guy in the striped shirt back in the early millenium would come back for us?

Imagine, it’s around the year 2000. The Backstreet Boys, N’Sync, Britney Spears, Destiny’s child, and all the other hip-hop artists are topping the charts, battling it out for music supremacy.

But toddlers and kids only cared about Blue’s Clues!
Host Steve Burns would guide his viewers to solve Blue’s daily puzzles, and he did this from 1996 to 2002.
He would often forget things, turning to his viewers and asking for help, while animated characters would step in to help him solve puzzles. And who could forget that handy dandy notebook?

One more time for you readers… “Here’s the mail / it never fails / it makes you want to wag your tail…”
Steve abruptly left the show in 2002 to go to college. He left his brother, Joe, to handle the show. It’s been around 19 years and the world went on. Until Steve made the world stop for a few minutes.
It was something we all needed.

Steve couldn’t have come at a better time. In a world seemingly dominated by social distancing and keeping one’s space, Steve’s video was a big, warm hug to all of us. He basically said, It’s all going to be alright.

The video was posted on Nick Jr.’s Twitter account, where Steve said,
“You remember how when we were younger, we used to run around and hang out with Blue and find clues and talk to Mr. Salt and freak out about the mail and do all the fun stuff? And then one day, I was like, ‘Oh hey, guess what? Big news, I’m leaving. Here’s my brother Joe, he’s your new best friend,’ and then I got on a bus and I left and we didn’t see each other for like a really long time? Can we just talk about that? Great. Because I realize that was kind of abrupt.”
Yes. Yes, it was. You don’t do that to people who love you, Steve.
“I mean, we started out with clues and now, it’s what? Student loans and jobs and families? And some of it has been kind of hard, you know? I know you know.”
Yes, we know.

Here’s the thing. It was Steve from the show who went to college. Not Steve the actor. The only reason he left was because Burns thought he was getting older and that it was time to move on.

But who cares?? Steve went on to say,
“I wanted to tell you that I really couldn’t have done all of that without your help. And in fact, all the help that you helped me with when we were younger is still helping me today, right now. And that’s super cool. I guess I just wanted to say that after all these years, I never forgot you. Ever. And I’m super glad we’re still friends.”
Burns ended it by saying: “You look great by the way. Whatever it is you’re doing, is working.”
We all needed the validation from a guy in a striped shirt. And it worked!

Even host Stephen Colbert got emotional when Steve came out to give him a hug. Thanks, Steve. You’re the hero this world needed. Now it’s time for so long. We did it! Hooray!
Steve’s heartwarming message is waiting for you below.
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So about that time Steve went off to college… #BluesClues25
— Nick Jr. (@nickjr) September 7, 2021