It has been 66 years since Betheny Melton’s father was adopted. Since his birth, the man never had any clue regarding who his biological family was or if he had siblings.
Everything changed one afternoon.

In a video uploaded by Betheny on her TikTok account, you can see her Dad talking to her mom. She was saying something that her Dad did not seem too interested in at first.
“Betheny did a little genetics test to see about her belly just because she was hurt,” Betheny’s mom started.

Betheny’s dad was starting to worry and is now asking what she meant. Her mom continued explaining.
“She found somebody else. She found somebody with 30% genetics with her in common.”
In their conversation, this was the point where Betheny’s dad started to realize that something incredible was about to unfold.

He was listening intently, slowly processing the information his wife was trying to share with him. Betheny’s mom continued.
“And the only people that are that in common with her would be a grandparent. Well, all of her grandparents on my side are born.”
With heavy breathing and a serene expression, Betheny’s dad finally realized what his wife was trying to tell him.
“That means I actually got kinfolk?” was his stunned reply.

Betheny’s dad looked stunned and was about to cry because of the incredible news – but it was about to get better.
His wife broke the best news of all, and this was when her husband finally broke into a smile.
“He wants to talk to you…He wants to Face Time with you,” she happily shared. “And you have sisters!”

This time, Betheny’s dad could not contain his overflowing joy and screamed this new information saying “I have sisters?”
The joy in his eyes was undeniable. After 66 long years of not knowing about his biological family, Betheny’s dad finally found out that he had one and he is quite amazed at this news.
“I have people,” he emotionally said.

The couple found out that Betheny’s grandparents did not even know her Dad existed and now that he does, he wants to get to know him and his family.
Betheny posted the incredible news on her Tiktok account, where people online were touched and happy for her Dad.
Commenters were moved by her father’s emotional response to the great news about his family. They were all kind words that have made Betheny and her family happier.

Can you imagine not knowing your roots and your true family for 66 years? The family is very happy to know that they had the chance to find out their connection, thanks to the genetics matching that took place when Betheny had health concerns.
Sometimes, bad times are actually ways paved towards the best of gifts from God. After almost 70 years, Betheny’s father is finally feeling complete.

The families are scheduled to meet and get to know each other, something that they all are excited about.
See Betheny’s father’s emotional reaction in the video below!
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