Woman Saves Suicidal Man And They Get Married Later
This story is really something out of a movie. I'm so happy for these two!
Britanie Leclair

Movies are often criticized for showcasing unlikely events— things that would never happen on a day-to-day basis. But, I’m sure you’ve heard that art imitates life, and this story just goes to prove that truth is definitely stranger than fiction.

Recently, one man’s answer to a question on Quora has gone viral, making people question whether movie clichés are so clichéd, after all!

The question, which was posted on Quora (a site that fosters discussion on the basis of questions and answers), asked online users the following:

“What is one moment in your life you thought could only happen in a movie?”

A user named Kevin Walsh ended up sharing his answer on August 25th, 2017, and the internet has been in awe ever since.

He posts a few pictures alongside a detailed response, writing:

“I can’t not answer this.

Kevin Walsh/Quora
Kevin Walsh/Quora

“Once upon a time I was 13 at a summer camp and the prettiest girl I’d ever seen walked right up to me and said “black is a good color on you.” No idea why. We chatted and became friends, exchanged AIM screen names (it was the time) and stayed in touch for a while.

“We fell off each others’ radar some time in high school, but I can promise you that not a day went by that I didn’t think about that girl. Even now I’m not sure I can say why – something about her just stayed with me.

“In my senior year I went through some dumb high school stuff that seemed earth-shattering at the time, and fell hard into depression. I resolved to take my own life, wrote a note and went to where I planned to end things.

“Somewhere between 5 and 10 seconds before I would have committed suicide, my phone rang. I checked the caller ID – I couldn’t die not knowing. It was a number I didn’t recognize, so I picked up and it was her.

“I asked her what was up and she said she just felt like she had to call me. At that point it had been a year since we had spoken, and at that moment she just had to call. Long story short, she pried, I spilled the beans and she talked me out of it. I mean she literally said “What? Don’t do that.” And that was that.

“She made me promise to call her the next day, and we hung up. That night I started writing the words which, ten years later, I’d propose with.

Kevin Walsh/Quora
Kevin Walsh/Quora

“Tl;dr: My first crush called me out of the blue at exactly the right moment to prevent my suicide, and then I married her a decade later.”

Since being posted on August 25th, 2017, Kevin’s response has been viewed over 290,800 times, with users giving it over 34,500 upvotes!

Kevin has since updated his post, writing, “Thank you for all the upvotes! My wife and I are humbled and honored by the response!”


What an unexpectedly happy ending to what could have been a very tragic tale!

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