Shaina Murry has been bragging about American Airlines ever since she says the airline helped make sure an autistic man safely boarded his flight.
She talked about the experience in a post on Facebook that ended up going viral.
“Today I purposely delayed my flight. And will always fly #americanairlines from now on. Here is why: while on the phone getting ready to go find my gate I noticed a man (his name is Will K.) laying on the floor, not doing well. He was in distress. It was clear something was wrong, I just didn’t know what. It seemed best, after asking him a few questions, to call for medical assistance,” she wrote.

“After him telling me several times he was afraid he was going to miss his flight while waiting for the airport medical team to come assist him I realized that he most likely is autistic. That triggered me to switch gears. After giving him assurance about his flight time we called his mom and let her know he wasn’t feeling well, and seeing the medical team at Dallas Airport.”
The airport’s medical team made sure that Will was healthy enough to fly while Shaina stood by for moral support.
“After much back and forth with the airport medical team, his mom, (who confirmed he was autistic) and American Airlines medical team said he needed to eat and have something to drink, and they were worried he would get sick again and didn’t know if he should fly,” Shaina recalled. “I worked with American Airlines and the medical team at Dallas and told the medical team I would change my flight, grab some lunch with him and make sure he got on his flight OK.”

Not only did the airline take care of Will but they also took care of Murry.
“American didn’t charge me a dime for the flight change and even called me when he and I were eating lunch together to let me know his gate changed. When I dropped him off at his gate-for his flight the American Airlines team took great care of him, checked on him and made sure he boarded safely to go see his mom for Christmas,” Murry said.
“Today was not at all what I pictured it to be. It has turned out so much better. I had an amazing lunch with a wonderful young man from Louisville, Kentucky. While I don’t know him well I know he has a heart of gold and a wonderful mother and sister who he loves very much, and after texting with his mom… she loves him just as much.”

Murry praised the airline so much, she could totally be a spokesperson for them!
“American Airlines handled the situation with such professionalism and care. The medical team at Dallas, as well as police, were also just as amazing. Every once and awhile we all need a little help. Regardless of disability, age, or social status. Thanks for making my day Will!
Murry was also praised for taking time out of her day to make sure Will was OK.

“What an amazing act of love, compassion, and kindness to take the time to stop for a person who was in distress! ,” one Facebook user said. “Would be 100 percent better if only everyone would follow in your footsteps! Thank you and God bless for the smile you put on my face! With the bad in the world it’s wonderful to read stories like this it goes to show that there are wonderful people like you in the world! Hugs.”
You can see Murry’s original post below.
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