Acts of Kindness
Woman Donates Breastmilk
What an amazing woman!
Cedric Jackson

Studies are starting to show just how important breastmilk is for babies.

Not only does it provide all the vitamins and nutrients a baby needs, but it can also help a child develop a stronger immune system and bond with his or her mother, both of which are important steps in an infant’s life. Therefore, more and more moms out there are opting to breastfeed their children.

However, not all women are the same. While some moms have no trouble nursing their babies, others aren’t as fortunate. Breastfeeding can come with a whole host of issues that moms have to work through in order to provide natural nutrition for their child.

Sometimes, the plan doesn’t work out, and women are unable to breastfeed their children on their own.

In these cases, parents have two choices. They can either go for a formula, or they can choose to find a milk donor.

YouTube Screenshot
YouTube Screenshot

If you’re wondering what a milk donor is, you’re not alone. A milk donor is simply a mother who decides to donate her extra milk supply. Some women produce more milk than others after they give birth. If they have too much milk for their own child to drink, they can then donate their extra milk to mothers who are unable to breastfeed on their own. That way, more children are able to receive real breastmilk, which helps them develop into strong and healthy kids.

Elisabeth Anderson-Sierra is one of these donors.

She has a condition called hyperlactation syndrome. This simply means that she produces more breastmilk than necessary. When she realized she had this condition, she decided to help other mothers get their children the nutrition they need.

Elisabeth Anderson-Sierra
Elisabeth Anderson-Sierra

While many moms out there donate their excess breastmilk, Elisabeth is known as a “super producer.”

She can pump over a gallon and a half every day. This means that she has plenty to give those in need. In fact, she has donated over 700 gallons of her breastmilk so far, helping countless kids out there in the process.

Although she produces all this milk, she says the process isn’t always easy. She wakes up feeling like she has to pump right away. It’s not always comfortable or a pleasant thing to do, but she thinks it’s worth it. After all, why not help someone if you have the chance?

She told People:

“This is my way of being active in my community and giving back to humanity, and so it’s my labor of love.”

Elisabeth Anderson-Sierra
Elisabeth Anderson-Sierra

So, where does her milk go?

First of all, it goes into the freezer. Since she produces so much of it, it has to be stored until it’s ready to be transported. Elisabeth then takes the extra milk to a milk bank, where it is distributed among families who need it. This often goes to help local children and families near her Beaverton, Oregon, town.

Elisabeth said:

“I definitely feel good about being able to help people, but I also think it’s kinda ingrained in who I am.”

This just goes to show what kind of a person Elisabeth is. She wants to help people whenever possible, and it looks like she’s found a way to do just that.

When Elisabeth gave birth to her daughter, Sophia, she was so worn out after the birth that she wasn’t able to breastfeed for a full 24 hours.

At that time, Sophia had to be fed with donor milk. And that experience just strengthened Elisabeth’s resolve to do it for others, as well.

This mom is doing everything she can to help those around her, and it’s truly inspiring to see the impact she makes in her community and beyond.

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