How many of you would risk their lives to save a stranger from his burning home? Hardly anyone is probably the answer.
And it’s perfectly understandable since there aren’t many people out there who would put their lives in danger in an attempt to save some stranger who they don’t even know for sure is still alive.

But, two young men from Marion, Indiana, didn’t hesitate to rush into a burning home in hopes the owner was still alive in order to save him.
Is it heroism? Is it the recklessness of youth? Whatever it is, it definitely helped a man survive.
A couple of weeks ago, Tré Jones, 25, and Marcus Harvey, 24, happened to be in the neighborhood, when they noticed there was smoke coming out of a nearby building. They could also smell like something was burning, so they approached to see what was going on.
“I’m like ‘I smell some smoke. Somebody’s house is on fire,'” Jones said. “There’s people in the front yard, some of them recording.”

The people that were already there explained there was a man in the house.
While it took the men a moment to realize the people out there indeed knew someone needed help, but did nothing to help him, they decided to act swiftly.
“So I kicked the door in. When I kicked the door in, fire, smoke, all that came through,” Jones said. “It blew out at me. I see a little tunnel area I can duck down and get underneath the smoke. Now I could hear him a lot more clear so I’m like ‘Here I come,'” he recalled.
Indeed, Jones scooped the man up and started walking towards the exit. But there was too much smoke for him to find his way out.
At that point, the two young men believe there was Godsent help that allowed them to get out of there alive.

“As we’re coming out of the house, we can’t see anything but only thing I can sit there and tell you if you believe in God, mysterious things will happen,” Harvey narrated. “He was there the whole entire time showing us the way out.”
Indeed, with or without help from above, the men found the exit. Harvey grabbed the man from his pants and dragged him out with his friend. And that was when the firefighters arrived.
It is more than clear that, had the young men not acted selflessly, the victim wouldn’t have survived.

Yet, this doesn’t mean that the adventure is over for 56-year-old Guy Tarlton yet. He was immediately taken to hospital, where his condition was deemed critical.
It is believed that the man was cooking dinner when he fell asleep and the accident happened. It seems it all started from the oven. As Tarlton’s nephew explains, his uncle’s home doesn’t have fire alarms and this is probably why the man or the neighbors didn’t find out about the fire until it was almost too late.

The story of the two heroes has been featured on the local news and everyone is praising them for their courage and bravery. We are glad there are such great people among the younger generation!
You can watch the two men narrating their version of the story in the video below.
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