Compassion for your neighbors is undeniably necessary, especially in today’s trying times. The smallest acts of kindness can mean a difference, whether it’s lending a hand to someone in need or something as simple as prayer. One young boy in Tulsa teaches this valuable lesson when he began a campaign to offer prayers for his local police. This video tells the whole story.

Despite the trying times, one boy chooses positivity
No one can deny that the world is suffering suffering from the challenges of the global pandemic. Families, communities, and entire states are forced to deal with the overwhelming stresses of Covid-19, public outrage, and more. For many, this would be a time to hold your blessings close, But Trey Elliott, a young boy from Tulsa, has a better idea.

Trey is not afraid of reaching out to offer warmth and kindness
Trey believes that everyone could use a sincere prayer to see them through the day. So that’s why one day he told his mother that he wanted to approach a group of officers and give them just that. When asked about his kind decision, Trey had this to say:
“It seemed like there’s some really really tough times. I just think it will help them.”

Trey’s act of kindness is more than just a fluke…
The decision to offer prayer to one group of officers may have ended there, but Trey shows a maturity and commitment that is admirable and heartwarming. He later visited police at a cookout and offered them prayer as well. Trey’s mother recorded the scenes with camera shots then posted the simple acts online.

Trey has big goals from his big heart
Trey would then decide that he had a goal. He wanted to offer prayers to every officer in Tulsa to remind them that there were still people out there who wished them the best. Trey’s mother pointed out that that is an impressive goal, since Tulsa has over 800 active duty officers. Whether Trey will reach his goal, we can tell that his mother is very proud of his generosity.

Trey reaches the hearts of grateful officers who needed his help…
Once the story came out, officers dropped by Trey’s neighborhood to visit and receive the young boy’s prayers. You can see how warmly received the young Tulsa saint has become. Several of the officers were quoted as feeling teary-eyed at the unconditional love and consideration Trey has shown. While others gave the little boy a high-five and recognizing that he has a bright future ahead of him.

A news crew steps in to reward Trey’s kindness
Before KJRH-TV Channel 2 got involved, Trey was up to 12. So the network gathered their resources and arranged to lend him a hand. So one day, Trey stepped out on his front yard to find four police vehicles waiting for him and his prayers. Trey smiles bright as he turns towards the KJRH-TV camera man and asks “How’d you do that?”

Warmth, maturity, and kindness makes Trey stand tall among adults
Trey then welcomes the officers into a small prayer circle, in a heartwarming scene these officers will never forget. The young boy speaks out and asks that God protect the officers from harm and keeps them on a goodly path. His words are spoken with a passion that is hard to find, especially a youth his age.

Trey’s act of kindness was well received, even from far beyond Tulsa’s borders
Ever since the Internet found out about Trey, he’s become something of an online darling. Many people take heart from his example and kindness and look forward to cheering him on as he gets closer to his goal. We imagine that Tulsa police are also happy to know that Trey is a part of their community.

Some of the images were shared thousands of time over the course of hours and days. It’s a reminder that no matter how hard life is for all of us, there’s still room for kindness and love.

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