High school students waiting out tornado break out in beautiful acappella song
This is just so surreal and beautiful.
Elijah Chan

What would you do when you’re hunkered down into the hallways of your high school, waiting for a tornado to pass?


Students from Bremen High School in Georgia broke out into a Christmas song at a time when they were gripped by both anxiety and fear.

Jessica Labbe, one of the teachers at Bremen High School, recorded this solemn yet remarkable gesture during a tornado warning in their area.


Jamie Lipscomb, their Chorus teacher, said to Fox:

“We were in the hallway for about 40 minutes when a few students started to hum a few notes.”

Georgia is one of the tornado-prone states even if they’re not included in the “Tornado Alley” — a corridor laying down between South Dakota and southward through Texas. But while Georgia sees a lower average of tornado occurrence than the Alley, meteorologists say that the geographical inclusion of this weather phenomenon can shift east towards Georgia.

It was during this time when the students of Bremen High School were asked to hunker down in the hallways until the tornado warning passed.


They were all sitting down on the floor, anxious and afraid, and were only allowed to stay put.

With all the stress that they were experiencing, some of their fellow students began to be upset.


Lipscomb said to Fox:

“A few students were upset and scared and had been in that position for so long.”

This was when the touching scene of scholastic camaraderie unfolded.

Some of the students, coming from the school’s choir, began to sing to help calm their fellow students down.

Andrew Weaver, one of the students, shared with Fox:

“In the hallways during the tornado warning, we were all just sitting around and we just decided to break into a song.”

The hallways were filled with the words of “Mary, Did you Know?”, a contemporary Christmas song written by Mark Lowry.


The chorale tried to calm their fellow students down through their solemn yet modern rendition as parts of the acapella included beatboxing to pace the rhythm.


Mark Lowry wrote the words to “Mary, Did You Know?” in 1984 intending it to be part of a script for a church play. He tried looking for the right music to go along with it but was faced with failures. By 1991, almost a decade after it was written, he showed the lyrics to Buddy Greene, a famous gospel songwriter who was on tour with the band that Lowry was in. Greene penned the music for the song and was then recorded by Michael English, one of Lowry’s bandmates.

Since then, the song became an iconic Christmas classic, covered by different artists in a variety of styles.

But in Bremen High School, its rendition was aimed to ease the anxiety of the student body.


Andrew Weaver added in his interview with Fox:

“The song pulled us through a tough time.”

This video has since garnered national news attention and gave them a chance to meet with one of the song’s writers, Mark Lowry. They performed this same song at the Mill Town Music Hall.


Watch the rest of this heartwarming performance by clicking on the video below and be prepared to be amazed.

SHARE this to your family and friends and show them that there’s strength in looking out for one another.
