Acts of Kindness
Total stranger steps in and helps buy struggling single mom a car
Connie is a single mom of 3 and desperately needed a car. She was praying for a miracle, but never expected it would come from a total stranger.
Elijah Chan

As a struggling single mom, everything seems like an uphill battle.

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YouTube Screenshot - WLOS News 13

You need to provide for kids on your own with no one to rely on or to lean to. Breaks are non-existent as you find yourself looking for more opportunities to earn. Things are always challenging so when good things come your way, it’s unforgettable.

This was the life Connie Cole lived until she received a miracle from a stranger.

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YouTube Screenshot - WLOS News 13

She’s a single mother of three kids, and as such, she’ll do anything in her power to make ends meet. She needed to drive to get to her job in a sub restaurant. Her father helps her with this by driving her to and from work.

Things got a bit more challenging when her father had to undergo knee surgery.

Her only way to provide for her family suddenly became unreachable. With nowhere else to turn, she went to Carolina Auto Sales to try and work a deal.

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YouTube Screenshot - WLOS News 13

Little did she know that the universe was working things out for her.

Unbeknownst to her, a stranger was listening to the call she made to the auto shop, which was on speakerphone. After hearing the single mom’s voice and situation, he felt the need to help her.

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Pexels - PhotoMIX Company

Wesley Gurley, the owner of the shop, recalled the events to an ABC affiliate.

“He said, ‘If she comes in, call me. I’m going to pray on this. If the Lord wants me to do something, I may buy her that car,'” Gurley said.

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YouTube Screenshot - WLOS News 13

Cole’s family pitched in for the down payment. Her father pooled in $800 for the initial fee but the rest of the payment was given by an “angel” she didn’t expect.

Cole got to drive a 2004 Chevrolet Impala from a person they only knew as ‘David’.

He made good on his word for by pitching in $2,200. It may only seem like a couple of thousands of dollars to some, but it made Cole believe in the spirit of kindness and generosity. It was a couple of thousands of dollars that helped her seek more opportunities for her family.

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Pexels - Pixabay

She can now continue to work while her father recovers. She doesn’t have to worry about how to get to work because a stranger chose to help someone he hadn’t even met.

Gurley said they were “pretty shell-shocked” about the surprise.

But for Cole, she was overcome by emotions.

“So emotional,” Cole said to the news outlet, “So emotional, it’s hard even to get the words out.”

The local news outlet also explained that ‘David’ didn’t want to be interviewed.

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YouTube Screenshot - WLOS News 13

He also wanted to stay anonymous. Although, he said that his intentions were a mere extension of his religious philosophy.

The anonymous good Samaritan belongs to Christ Community Church in Montreat and his church inspired him to extend his hand out to those in need.

Hopefully, with the gift of this Good Samaritan, Cole can get that extra mileage she needs for her family. As for ‘David’, may his kindness be contagious and ripple out to others.

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YouTube Screenshot - WLOS News 13

Watch the video below to see more on how a total stranger helped out a struggling single mom!

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