Love is complex. One minute, you’re on cloud nine with all the fuzzy feelings – and the next, you’re crashing, left with a zillion questions and absolutely no answers. That’s why it takes willingness, commitment, and consistency to make a relationship work. You can’t rely on love alone.
Over time, the butterflies stop. If you’re only in it for the just-like-in-the-movies moments, then relationships probably aren’t for you.
Love also makes you realize that reality has a funny way of pulling people apart only for their paths to cross again.

Meet Kara Troy “KT” Robbins and Jeannine Pierson.
They met during World War II when Robbins, a U.S. soldier, was assigned to France.
It was magical and seemed to be the perfect love story… until Robbins was sent to the Eastern Front.

Both carried on with their lives as decades passed. Jeannine recalled how she felt during the moment they separated.
“When he left in the truck, I cried. Of course, I was very sad. I wish after the war he hadn’t returned to America.”
She even went as far as learning basic English phrases in case Robbins came back to France.
Unfortunately, he didn’t return and even ended up marrying someone else.
Despite it all though, the soldier always kept close a photo of Jeannine.

Little did he know he was going to be reunited with her at the 75th anniversary of D-Day.
The Battle of Normandy began on June 6, 1944. It was called Operation Overlord but is more commonly referred to as D-Day. This was a defining moment wherein American, British, and Canadian forces landed along the Normandy region of France and consequently paved the way for Western Europe’s liberation from Nazi Germany.
That’s why the Normandy landings were known as the sign of the end of the war in Europe. It was in August when the Allied forces completely defeated the Germans and northern France was finally liberated.

Fast forward to the anniversary commemoration where French journalists had a wonderful gift lined up for KT and Jeannine.
It was the heartwarming reunion that the two had waited decades for.
Thanks to the journalists who helped track down Jeannine, KT was able to see his long-lost love again. You can tell from the moment they laid eyes on each other again that the love was always there.

His eyes said it all, but his words melted the hearts of many.
“I always loved you. You never got out of my heart.”
Jeannine, charming as ever, laughed delightfully and remarked,
“He said he loves me. I understood that much.”

The reunited pair were able to do some catching up until KT had to leave for Normandy.
Parting ways seemed just as bittersweet as the first time because KT couldn’t fight back tears as he told her,
“Jeannine, I love you girl.”

Viewers were completely taken by the reunion.
YouTube user Sarah Chambers wrote,
“The way his eyes lit up from being told the love of his life was still alive and seeing her… my heart is so full.”
Another user with the name Levi Garma commented,
“What a beautiful love story.. true Romance is within the realm of the human spirit and soul. After 75 years… they still have something burning inside of them 😭”

You’ll love browsing through the comments section of this video! Talk about funny, mixed reactions. KT and Jeannine’s reunion proves that love never dies if you hold on to the very thing that keeps it alive.
Grab a tissue and watch the beautiful reunion of the wartime lovers below.
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