Any father would have done the same for their daughter.
Darius Hinkle found his one year old daughter Demani choking on a penny. He knew he had to get his baby to Touchette Regional Hospital in Illinois as fast as he can. And he was really fast.

So fast in fact that he soon found himself tailed by blue and red lights. Hinkle put his foot to the floor all the way to the hospital. and it was there that the cops caught up with him and took him to jail.
The police say he was doing a hundred miles and more at one point.
“That’s my daughter. I’m not going to let anything happen to her.”

Every second counted, and just like in motor sports, he was chasing time.
When the cops arrested Darius, Donecia Pittman, the baby’s mother told the cops that it was basically an emergency hence the speeding and disregard of traffic rules. That plus the fact that Darius dind’t have a license.
“I got out, put my hands up and yelled, and I told the police, ‘My baby is choking.’ And I told them multiple times that she was choking. They were just worried about the fact that we were speeding.”

The cops weren’t having it. It was a headache of an evening until something happened that changed everybody’s mood.
As Donecia made her way to the station to bond him out, she found a woman talking to an officer.
“I’m here to bond out Darius Hinkle. I’m the nurse from Touchette hospital,” the woman said.

The nurses at Touchette Regional Hospital chipped in to get Darius out. As if it wasn’t enough that they saved his one year old daughter. Demani was all smiles after everything that happened.
The nurses went out of their way to help a father who was desperate to save his daughter’s life. They treated Demani then decided to bring out the money to get Darius out. Angels.

Darius and Donecia couldn’t thank them enough.

Even the viewers were all praises for the nurses,
Kristen Harnish commented,
“As parents, we do anything for our kids. Good for him. He shouldn’t be dealing with charges, it’s ridiculous. Great nurses. If I were in his shoes, I would do it a thousand times over.”
While Katherine Grimes said,
“I understand the chase. They didn’t know what was going on. But to arrest him once they found out what happened is heartless. So happy the baby is doing good and the nurses…. What angels!”

What was to be a tiring day full of headaches turned out to be a positive viral story for the couple and their nurses.

Hinkle just did what any father, any parent, would have done at the sight of their child choking. Little Demani had no idea about the kind of danger she was in, nor did she have a clue about what happened to her parents.
It’s a story she’ll know about in a few years for sure.
Listen to Darius and Donecia’s experience below!
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