Just 12 yards away from the marathon finish line, a woman collapsed. But that wasn’t going to stop her from finishing.
Devon Bieling was participating in the Tunnel Vision Marathon in Washington state when she became severely exhausted and collapsed. The young runner from Atlanta was so determined that there was no way she was going to give up.
After her weak legs gave out over 26.1 miles into the race, Devon began to crawl her way toward the finish line. This, however, proved to be too difficult for her, so she decided to try a different tactic.

Devon turned her body parallel to the finish line and started to barrel roll herself to the very end. The crowd cheered her on from the sidelines.

As soon as the determined and inspiring woman reaches her goal, she is immediately greeted by medical staff. The gave her water as she rested up on her elbows. Despite her physical pain, Devon had accomplished an incredible feat.
Philip King was the person behind the camera as he watched the strong-willed woman roll her way to the finish line. He posted the video on Facebook with the following caption:
I witnessed this lady’s body collapse 12 yards short of the finish line. She tried to get backup, but couldn’t stand. After not being able to stand, she begin to crawl. After crawling 3 or 4 feet, the sharp gravel rocks cut her knees until the pain wouldn’t allow her to crawl. So after falling out flat again she begin to roll. She finished the whole 26.2 unassisted, even though she had to roll across the finish line. Always Keep Moving Forward No Matter What!!!”

After posting the video online, it garnered the attention of people around the world. They were astonished and in awe of her perseverance and determination.
A friend of Devon’s saw the video and tagged her in the post. The young woman from Atlanta confirmed that the footage, was indeed, of her and she was both flattered and a bit embarrassed that it was getting so much attention.

Despite all of the pain and exhaustion of the marathon and it’s last 12 yards, Devon finished the race with a few superficial wounds and a smile. Her mental and physical strengths are inspiration and proof that we can conquer anything we put our minds to.
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