When you express some of your deepest desires out loud, chances are, you’ve heard “be careful what you wish for” as a reply. Some people laugh this off and continue dreaming, while some end up overthinking it and wondering if there is something to be cautious of when it comes to wishful thinking.

10-year-old Ronnie Giltz was probably among the former, chuckling at the warning while continuing to hope his wish comes true. That wish happened to be for another addition to the family – a baby brother. The young boy told KOTA,
“One time, I’d seen a shooting star, and I wished for a baby brother, and I wished for like two sisters for my little sister because she always wanted a little sister. I knew this day was always going to come.”

His mom, Dannette, still can’t believe things turned out the way they did. She was rushed to the hospital because of unbearable pain, which she attributed to kidney stones. Little did she know it was something more.
It turns out she was already going into labor!
Imagine complaining of a stomachache only to be told you were having a baby and set to give birth in a matter of hours.

Dannette shares how it all unfolded at the hospital.
“The doctor comes back in after doing a urine sample and said, ‘You’re pregnant.’ So they got the portable heart monitor and did an ultrasound, and said, ‘There’s possibly twins.'”
The mom of two was shocked when the doctor first told her, and more so when they informed her that she was already going into labor.

But it didn’t stop there. After the two babies were finally out, Dannette wondered why the doctor suddenly mentioned needing another blanket.
The mom told KOTA:
“I was told I have twins. I’m not doing triplets. She’s like, ‘No, there are three babies in there. There are triplets.'”
Dannette and her husband, Austin, were in complete disbelief.

It was unexpected, but it wasn’t anything they regretted.
From being on the same page about raising two kids and having everything else mapped out to having their world turned upside down and having triplets, Dannette and Austin knew it wouldn’t be easy. Yet, they did what they could to keep their little ones healthy despite the impact on their finances.

Thankfully, good friends from all over town didn’t think twice about pitching in and helping the couple.
“It’s amazing how many people will come together for stuff that’s not expected in a small town.”
When it comes to whether Dannette noticed any pregnancy signs or not, the mom explained on Facebook:
“I never felt movement I never got morning sickness nothing!”

The most important thing in this surprise is that the triplets, named Blaze, Gypsy, and Nikki, are all perfectly healthy.
Ronnie must be having quite an adventure as a proud big brother with three new siblings! Imagine if all of us had his luck at some point. What a feeling it must be to have one of your biggest wishes come true – in ways you don’t expect.

Learn more about Ronnie and his wish and how his parents handled the major surprise by watching the video below!
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