Having a baby can be a really big surprise!
For one woman, however, the surprise wasn’t just unexpected, it was LITERALLY massive!

In Arizona, one woman recently went viral with the story of her baby.

Cary Patonai is an Arizona resident who has been ALL over the news recently.
The reason? Her baby! A few weeks ago, Cary gave birth to an absolutely massive baby.
“Little” Finnley came out a cool 14 pounds, one ounce!
While the moment was amazing for Tim and Cary, it came after a long and hard battle for children.

Cary has quite the story when it comes to her three kids.
Before their most recent addition, Finnley, the couple had been trying for years to build a family of their own.
Their attempts resulted in them having two other little ones, Devlen (10) and Everett (2).
From the start of the couple trying for kids over 10 years ago, Cary has experienced 19 miscarriages.

As anyone who has dealt with the pain of losing a child knows, just a single miscarriage is heartwrenching.
To go through more? Devastating.
The majority of the miscarriages happened before the births of Devlen and Everett, but two of them still happened when they were trying to have Finnley.
It wasn’t just the parents who were hurting, either.

“Two of the miscarriages were sets of twins,” Cary revealed. “It was was traumatic for the whole family — especially our oldest child. Each loss would break his little heart.”
For little Devlen, the miscarriages were heartbreaking as well.
Still, through sheer emotional strength and persistence, the couple pressed on and kept trying.
Finally, after months of heartbreak, they finally got good news.
When Finnley came along, the couple was ecstatic, even if he was a bit big!

Even more, Tim and Cary seem to be used to big babies!
When Devlen was born, he weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces.
When Everett was born, the weight jumped to 11 pounds, 11 ounces!
It seems that Finnley really wanted to outshine his brothers (even if it caused Mama some back pain)!
“I’m using to carrying big babies, but this was on another level,” Cary said. “It got to the point where I could hardly move. It would take me 30 minutes to recover from taking a shower.”
Finnley’s size and Cary’s story have garnered national attention.

When he was first born, nurses from the hospital all wanted to see the chunky infant!
“Finnley was a little celebrity at the hospital. Everyone wanted a selfie with him,” Cary, 36, told TODAY Parents. “The OB/GYN who performed the C-section said that in 27 years he had never seen a newborn that size. There was so much excitement in the delivery.”

What’s crazier is that Finnley was delivered EARLY!
“Typically, newborns are taking in about one to two ounces of milk,” she said. “Finnley is eating around four-and-a-half ounces.”
Check out this adorable “little” guy in the video below!
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