Doctors prepare man for morgue when cardiologist prays for him “one last time”
When the doctor couldn't do anything more to save him, he called on the one he knew that could. 🙌
Sheehan Diapues

Faith consists of believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.” – Voltaire

We all love a good story about faith, miracles, and divine intervention, don’t we?

Well, this one is a doozy.

This story is about one man whose body should have already been heading to the morgue when a doctor called on the supernatural to intervene.

YouTube - The 700 Club
YouTube - The 700 Club

Miracles do happen.

Jeff Markin was driving to work one day when he began to fall ill.

After calling his boss, who also told him to visit the emergency room, he went to a nearby hospital where he collapsed.

YouTube - The 700 Club
YouTube - The 700 Club

Medical staff rushed to Jeff’s aid and he was sent to the emergency room to be assisted. He was experiencing a massive heart attack.

Doctors and nurses tried to help revive him. One of them was a cardiologist, Dr. Chauncey Crandall.

Nothing helped.

They tried to revive Jeff, but after 40 long minutes of doing CPR and defibrillation, Dr. Crandall was forced to call the time of his death.

YouTube - The 700 Club
YouTube - The 700 Club

He went ahead and completed some papers before going out of the emergency room while a nurse was preparing Jeff’s body for the morgue.

Then, God magnified His glory.

YouTube - The 700 Club
YouTube - The 700 Club

Dr. Crandall heard a voice.

Turn around and pray for that man,” said the voice.

Dr. Crandall tried to ignore it and just walked out of the room. He heard the same voice again.

This time, he went back to honor the Lord and prayed for Jeff’s soul. The nurse was looking at him and asked, but the doctor just went ahead and prayed.

YouTube - The 700 Club
YouTube - The 700 Club

Then he instructed another doctor to “shock” this man one more time. So they did, out of respect for Dr. Crandall.

A miracle happened.

Jeff got a pulse and slowly started to breathe normally as though nothing happened.

A few minutes after, he was already able to move his fingers.

YouTube - The 700 Club
YouTube - The 700 Club

He stayed in the Intensive Care Unit for 3 days until he was considered out of harm’s way.

When Dr. Crandall went to Jeff’s room to check on him, he asked him a pointed question.

“Where were you that day when I prayed for you?”

Jeff explained that he was in a very dark place and that he was disappointed. That he was alone for eternity.

Dr. Crandall asked Jeff if he was willing to receive the Lord, and he opened his arms and accepted God.

YouTube - The 700 Club
YouTube - The 700 Club

After the incident, he was already back at work and doing regular visits with Dr. Crandall.

He has no heart problems or complications.

Jeff is back to his healthy state. Dr. Crandall mentioned in an interview that it was a day of very little faith.

But even with that little faith, he still honored the Lord and helped save Jeff by praying.

YouTube - The 700 Club
YouTube - The 700 Club

Jeff explained that he was fortunate enough to have encountered a miracle, especially for himself.

He accepted God as his savior and his life has never been the same since.

Learn more about the miracle Jeff received after a cardiologist’s prayer in the video below!

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