Over the first several years of a child’s life, there will typically be a number of scrapes and boo-boos. As parents, it’s our job to comfort our kids, kiss those boo-boos, and dry their tears.
A mom from Oklahoma has discovered the most heartwarming way to help her toddler feel better. She recorded a video recently after the girl got a small “owie,” which shows her great parenting method in action.
Get ready, because this is just too sweet!
When kids are tiny and curious it’s common for them to make some mistakes. After all, they’re just trying to figure out this crazy world of ours!
Shelbee is the proud mom of two-year-old Brilee. One day, her daughter became upset after accidentally hurting her fingers in the door (ouch).
Like any other kid, Brilee had tears in her eyes and was in need of some comforting. That’s when mom Shelbee swooped in to help.
In the video, they begin with some deep breaths.
Whether you’re a child or an adult, deep breathing is an excellent tool to help calm you down. Shelbee guides her daughter through a couple of deep breaths and lovingly touches her head. Then, she asks her if she’s okay.
Brilee responds that she’s okay, but wants to let Mommy know what happened.
The toddler brings up the door and her hand – pointing at the door so mom knows which one’s responsible. Shelbee validates her story by saying, “I know you smashed your fingers in the door, didn’t you?”
Aww, poor baby!
Just when you think it couldn’t get any more heart-melting, it goes to another level.
Shelbee says to Brilee, “Look at Mommy.” Once the girl does, the mom goes into a string of positive affirmations for her daughter to repeat.
She starts with, “Say ‘I’m okay.'” The toddler responds with a precious voice, “I’m okay.”
They continue on.
Shelbee has her repeat more words of motivation that the girl will likely never forget. The two-year-old ends up saying, “I’m okay. I’m strong. I’m beautiful. I’m loved. I’m worthy.”
By the last one, she seems calmer and happier.
It’s important for children to be confident, feel safe, and know they’re always loved. But it’s not every day that you see a toddler repeating messages like these (which seem to make her feel a lot better). In fact, they would be beneficial to even an adult!
Shelbee says to Brilee, “You are beautiful.” And if you need more proof that the method worked, the toddler so sweetly responds, “Thank you, Mom.”
The internet is applauding the mom for her parenting.
Shelbee, who resides in McLoud, shared the video with KOCO 5 News. Since they posted it on their Facebook page it’s been “liked” and “loved” nearly 100K times in a week and a half.
Many Facebook users have left compliments for the mom. One person wrote:
“This is the most loving and adorable video I’ve seen in a long time! That mom should take a bow, best mom ever!”
Another said:
“Children need this, to help themselves when someone they love isn’t around to help them calm down. I love those wonderful words of self value! Awesome job, Mama! And…on behalf of teachers everywhere, THANK YOU!”
Ready to have your heart melted too? Press play below to watch the viral clip for yourself!
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