There’s something magical about Christmas that puts the biggest smile on people’s faces. And how could it not? Between all the twinkling lights and the spreading of cheer – it’s no wonder some wish the holiday season was year-round.
Yet, if you think you get excited about Christmas, just wait until you see how one baby named Mick reacts to the decor at Costco. The footage is so darn adorable viewers can’t get enough of watching it!

Everyone knows that as soon as Halloween decorations appear, it means that Christmas is peeking around the corner. Oftentimes before our pumpkins are even put away – “jolly” decorations start showing up in stores.
Hannah Law from Utah was on a shopping trip with her baby at Costco when the most amazing thing happened…
They discovered the Christmas aisle was set up.

Mick couldn’t hold back his amazement seeing the glittery decor for his first time, shouting “Oooh!” and “Whoa!”
With an open mouth and his eyes like saucers, the look on Mick’s face is priceless. It’s a reaction that’s been sweeping the internet.
In the video, Hannah slowly pushes Mick through Costco’s holiday aisle as he takes it all in. For Mick, the decorations are the best…thing…ever!
He’s mesmerized by the festive items on the shelves and can’t stay silent about it. Admittedly, I can get pretty excited at Costco too, so I hear ya kid.

A highlight takes place when Mick spots a Santa Claus.
Even as a baby he knows there’s something special about the big guy wearing the red suit. He points to it and continues on with his noises of pure joy.
If only it were possible to know what was going on in the tot’s head, who took staring in wonder to the next level. There’s was no getting Mick’s jaw off the ground!

After recording the footage, Hannah decided to share it through social media. Let’s just say the world was really glad she did.
Mick’s stroll down the warehouse’s aisle would warm even the Grinch’s heart, which is why it’s a clip that’s resurfacing once again. It even gathered more than 58,000 comments.
A woman named Marrisa wrote:
“I’ve been having a rough day and THIS just turned it right around! The wonder of Christmas and the innocence of childhood…there isn’t much better than that!”

Donna commented:
“If we could only see every day life, thru the eyes of a child. We would be so busy being “wow’d” that we wouldn’t have time to be angry, or mean, or anything negative. If only…..”
Facebook user, Brenda, shared her own story:
“Reminds me of my now 46 y.o. son when he was about 2 1/2. We entered my mom’s house through the garage and kitchen. She was in the living room just finishing the lights on the tree and called out to him. He rounded the corner and gasped then laughed and pointed and ooohed and awwwed jumping up and down. Sweetest memory ever. I still think of it each year when we plug in the lights.”

Christmastime revolves around things that make us feel warm and fuzzy inside. Whether you have children yourself or not – the tot’s reaction is a good reminder that we should enjoy every element of the joyful season.
Watch Mick experience Costco’s Christmas decor for yourself below. Thank goodness mom hit record!
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