Of all the attractive male celebrities out there, we have a soft spot for Keanu Reeves.
The talented actor, best known for his role in Youngblood, has a rugged sexiness to him that most women would find hard to resist.

If you’re a self-confessed Keanu fan, and you happen to have a lot of money, this story will tickle your interest.
Keanu has somehow made himself even more of an appealing catch when it was revealed that he’s auctioning a date with himself for charity.
A man who puts himself out there for a blind date and combines it with charity work? Now there’s someone we’d all be proud to take home to our moms.

We knew already that, aside from being a talented director, musician, and actor, Keanu is also a philanthropist.
And back in 2020, when his date auction was announced, he joined together with Camp Rainbow Gold, an Idaho-based children’s cancer charity.
The charity held a Shine for Camp Online Auction, and Keanu was only too happy to get involved, especially as his younger sister, Kim, had battled leukemia.
The one-on-one event lasted for 15 minutes, and took place during the week of July 6th.
Apparently, the Zoom call had a few rules, including that inappropriate behavior wouldn’t be tolerated. Those who joined in on the auction simply had to bid for the prize, and the highest bidder was the winner.
You can bet that bidders were particularly enthusiastic in this case, and the most recent news from the time of the auction said that bids had surpassed a staggering $16,000.

Anyone from anywhere was able to place a bid until June, 22 – a date that is sadly long in the past.
There were a few other interesting prizes to be won in the auction, including a private 15-minute Zoom concert from Fifth Harmony member Ally Brooke, and a private one-hour voice lesson from legendary voice actor Rob Paulsen.
They’re pretty cool offerings, sure, but we’d take the date with Keanu any day.

Camp Rainbow Gold serves more than 400 family members in Idaho, and is supported by more than 300 volunteers.
The charity aims to “provide emotionally empowering experiences to Idaho’s children diagnosed with cancer and their families”.
The auction was arranged to support fundraising efforts for Camp Rainbow Gold. Though the charity had initially planned an in-person fundraising event, they had to postpone it because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the person who won the date was never revealed, we have an idea of what went down on that Zoom call.

It’s highly unlikely that this was your typical get-to-know-you date, considering Keanu’s celebrity status (what’s there to “get to know” when you’ve got Wikipedia?).
Most likely, the date involved lots of screaming and hyperventilating – from the date, not Keanu – while Keanu himself asked charming questions about his date’s life and how they were finding the pandemic.
We might all be sick of it, but we’d be more than happy to talk COVID for hours if it meant chatting to Keanu Reeves.

There’s no news about whether Keanu will ever auction himself off for another Zoom date, but we’ll be waiting with bated breath.
If you want to learn more about the wonderful charity, Camp Rainbow Gold, you can check out the website here.
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