Scammers. These people will try to pull a fast one on unsuspecting people. It definitely pays to read and know what’s going on out there. They will prey on the gullible and make money out of them.
From gadgets, to cars, insurance, and even relationships, scammers will take advantage of any given situation so long as they make cash out of you.

Read the fine print.
When you sign up for a bank account, or make a deal with any office or business, they will always hand you or e-mail you a letter. And at the bottom of that letter are disclaimers and precautions.
It always says that the said company will only contact you through their official accounts. And to report frauds to the proper authorities.

Some people have had it with scammers and are able to dish out their own recipe for revenge.
Like this cop.
Officer Kyle Roder of the Eau Claire Police Department was clearing up his voicemail inbox. And much to the surprise of the Wisconsin cop, a message from an unknown number said to call back right away. Or else he would be arrested.

Oh the irony.
Well the sharp witted policeman already guessed it was a scam but he went ahead and called the number.
“Hello, is this the IRS? It said to call this number, you said I had committed a fraud or something?”
Roder said.

The man on the other end said “Yes” with a thick accent. He asked Roder for his case number but the cop replied that he never got one and all he did was follow the instructions he got from the voicemail.
The scammer went on to say that they had to go through a verification process, telling Kyle that if he provided them with his name and valid address that he would be able to help him.

Bingo. Kyle replied,
“But you said you’re going to issue a warrant for me and come to my house. If you don’t have my address, how are you going to do that?”
He’s not a cop for nothing.
Kyle pressed the man by asking him how much time he had before he got arrested. The scammer couldn’t find an answer and mumbled something about “until working hours are over.”

Roder asked who would be coming to arrest him to which the scammer responded by saying that they would reach out to the local Sheriff’s department and that they would take care of the rest. Well, that was impressive.
When Kyle asked if he could just go down to the local IRS, the man replied with,
“I’m really sorry to say, but your local office doesn’t have your case file anymore. Your case file has been handed to us, because you’re being investigated by our department.”

Roder then asked for the man’s name and badge number.
It’s James Maxwell. From… New Delhi sounds like. When Kyle asked him to repeat his name, it came out as Dave Johnson. When Roder pointed it out, the man “clarified” by saying it was James Maxwell Johnson. Wow.
Officer Roder finally went ahead and asked the obvious if the call was a scam or not since he saw on the news that the IRS would never call and instead send a letter. James Maxwell Johnson countered by saying that they make phone calls for some emergencies.

Detective Don Hemming from Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Office went ahead to say that they do not receive warrants from the IRS. Contrary to what Mr. Maxwell Johnson said to Roder. It’s a scam, obviously.
But hey, the scammer says he works for Almighty God or something. Go figure. Even Roder had to laugh.

Watch Roder catch a scammer by his own mouth below!
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