Acts of Kindness
60-Year-Old Homeless Man Gets Spa Treatment Makeover
I wouldn’t have even recognized him.
Chesney McDonald

Everybody, meet Brian. For the past 14 years, he has been living homeless in British Columbia, Canada.

It’s been a hard-knock life for this man, and he has certainly seen his fair share of tough times. With life’s many obstacles, it’s about time for a little kindness to enter the picture…

Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot
Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot

His “home” consists of a tent on a section called “The Strip”.

Brian was hit by a car, putting him out of work. Six years later, this became his home, where he has stayed ever since.

Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot
Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot

One day, when he met a few new friends, he was lucky enough to receive a brand new look.

Fresh Fades on Facebook
Fresh Fades on Facebook

When the boys from the Fresh Fades Barbershop met Brian at a gas station, they made him quite the offer.

They invited him into their shop in order to give him a fresh new look. Brian accepted.

Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot
Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot

Of course, as with any haircut, it’s first things first.

Brian gets the kingly hair-wash treatment, getting his long hair thoroughly cleaned. Anyone who’s been to a swanky hair stylist will know just how soothing having your hair professionally cleaned can be. For Brian, this must be quite the treat.

Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot
Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot

Before we get a chance to get blown away, Brian’s hair does.

Well, at least it gets blow-dried after his luxury wash. Brian could be starring in a L’Oréal advertisement with blowing, flowing hair like that! The bad news, that hair is about to go away. The good news however, is also that that hair is gonna go. These lads have a few tricks up their sleeves yet, and won’t be stopping at a simple wash and try.

Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot
Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot

You know it’s serious when the clippers come out!

They begin buzzing that hair away, one thick lock at a time. You can be sure that no matter what style they give Brian, it will be a dramatic change.

Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot
Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot

After the clippers, come the scissors.

This is the barber’s time to shine with their trimming skills! Let’ see what they’ve got, hopefully Brian gets the full treatment, but something tells me these guys will pull out all the stops for this fortunate fella.

Fresh Fades Barbershop/YoutTube Screenshot
Fresh Fades Barbershop/YoutTube Screenshot

Even Brian’s eyebrows are seen too!


Wow, every hair on that man’s head it getting the full treatment. They will leave no hair untrimmed. The only remaining question, will they trim his beard? Well, I guess that’s perhaps a daft question as what kind of barbers would they be without touching up such an impressive amount of beard?

Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot
Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot

And before they’re even done, they even give Brian’s skin a mask!

Looks like Brian will be returning with cleansed, detoxed pores! I wonder what his buddies back in The Strip will think of his new look? More importantly, I’m sure that any prospective employers will see him and his new look and decide that they do want him in their workforce.

Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot
Fresh Fades Barbershop/YouTube Screenshot

Watch the full video below to witness Brian’s dramatic transformation!

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