If you have ever been in the right place at the right time, you may question the events that led up to that moment.
Was it fate? Was it chance? Sometimes being in the right place at the right time can affect more than just yourself. You could change and even save a person’s life.
That’s exactly what happened to Missouri Western safeties Jack Long and Shane Simpson. The young men had just finished practicing when they were headed home. They decided to ride home together.

As they were walking through the parking lot, they came across a strange sight.
A woman was standing in the parking lot near her car with a hammer in her hand. At first, the men thought she had just locked her keys in the car. They planned to help her, but when they walked closer, they realized something wasn’t right.
As the men came closer, Teresa Gall spotted them and ran toward them frantically. She explained that her 17-month-old grandson, Liam Snook, was locked in the car with her keys and she was trying to get him out. It was 98 degrees outside and although the baby had only been in the car for a few minutes, he was already showing signs of heat stroke.

She watched as the baby began to throw up and lose consciousness.
There was nothing she could do but try to get in the car. She had prayed that someone would come along to help her, and at that very moment, the two men had shown up.
The men busted in the window and helped her unlock the door. Teresa grabbed the baby and held him tight. The two men were happy to have helped and continued on their way while the grandma took the boy inside her sister’s home to cook him down.

The guys eventually decided to come back and check on the baby and the woman.
They were worried about the little boy and hoped that he hadn’t suffered a heat stroke or any other problems as a result of the time he spent in the hot car.
The family was so grateful for their help that they offered them a monetary reward. Both men declined, but they did say that the family could repay them by coming to watch them play at a football game. It was something the family was happy to do.

Both Long and Simpson deny that they did anything special that day.
They claim that anyone would have done the same thing. They just happened to be the ones that showed up. For Teresa, it’s no chance. They were literally the answer to her prayers and the reason her grandson is still alive.
Had the men not have walked by or stopped to help, the baby could have suffered from a severe stroke or even died in the hot car that day. The thought of living without her grandson is more than Teresa can bear to think about. She is now a Griffons football fan for life.

She brought her entire extended family to the football game to watch their heroes.
The men met with many of the family members and got to see the baby they helped rescue. They all exchanged hugs, and the family members thanked the football players repeatedly. There just aren’t enough words to express their gratitude.
It’s safe to say this family will be cheering for their favorite football players from the stands from now on. They won’t forget how these two strangers stepped up and helped them out in their time of need, and Long and Simpson will never forget the little guy they helped save from a hot car.
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