Every year as the Christmas season is approaching, we are eagerly awaiting the customary Coca-cola Christmas commercial. So, it’s hardly surprising that some of us have associated Coca-Cola with Christmas!
Throughout the years, we have watched some really unique and light-hearted Coca-Cola Christmas commercials, but this year they have prepared for us something special that will definitely bring tears to your eyes.

This year’s video message is “This Christmas, give something only you can give”, and it’s the simplicity and the humbleness of the message that makes it even more heart-warming and special.

The commercial was posted on Coca-Cola’s YouTube channel just a few days ago and it has already accumulated more than 3 million views and thousands of praising messages. One man pointed out how touching it was as he wrote “Since when does Coca-Cola have onions as an ingredient?”, while another said, “I am not crying. You are”.

It’s very difficult to hold in your tears after watching this really amazing cinematographic clip. Maybe its success is due not only to the beautiful message it tries to spread but also thanks to the amazing director it has. The commercial was directed by the Oscar-winner Taika Waititi, known for his works like JojoRabbit and Thor: Ragnarok.

The commercial starts with a dad leaving for work, saying goodbye to his family. He is in his car, just pulling out of his driveway when his little daughter runs up to him and gives him her letter for Santa.

In the next shot, the dad is having his lunch at work, a sandwich, and a bottle of Coca-Cola, when he remembers his daughter’s letter to Santa, but unfortunately, the Mailboat has already shipped. So, what does this amazing dad do?

He jumps in a smaller boat and tries to catch the Mailboat, but in vain as the boat’s motor breaks down. What comes afterward is a journey of epic proportions!

Like another Odysseus, the dad crosses rainforests.

He traverses deserts and climbs up mountains in order to reach his destination and deliver his daughter’s letter to the North Pole and into the hands of Santa. However, when he finally does arrive at Santa’s workshop, drenched and exhausted, he finds it closed as the Christmas deliveries have already started.

We see the letter falling from his hands, as the dad’s face cannot hide his disappointment. Now it’s time to return home, but how will he manage when he is in the middle of nowhere?

Well, thankfully for him, a huge lighted Coca-Cola truck offers him a ride home.

When finally after days on this great adventure around the world, he makes it home, the truck driver gives him surprisingly his daughter’s letter back. Because as you have probably guessed by now the truck driver is no other than SANTA himself! In the letter, the dad reads “Dear Santa, please bring daddy home for Christmas”.

What a moving scene, especially when at the same time the house’s door opens and the little girl runs in the arms of her dad! The Coca-Cola publicity team really knows how to move our heart-strings.

The clip finishes with an inspirational message that reminds us that above all material things, the fact that we have each other, it’s the most important thing. Even if you don’t have much, you can give love unconditionally to the people around you.

What will YOU ask this year from Santa? It was a rather difficult year for everyone in the world, so as Christmas is approaching we can’t help but feel hopeful that the holiday spirit will win and a miracle will happen!
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