Move over Golden State Warriors, the San Diego Splash sisters are taking over the basketball world.
The Splash sisters are creating a positive ripple effect in the San Diego Senior Women’s Basketball Association, a league created for women ages 50 years and older.
The incredible women of the San Diego Splash team are the oldest squad in the senior league. In order to be on their team, you must be at least 80-years-old.
“If you can stand up and move your legs, you’re welcome,” shared Marge Carl, 87-year-old Splash player, with EspnW.
Don’t be fooled by their sweet faces or age. Once those laced up shoes step on the court, these fierce women come to play ball. “Oh yeah,” said with gusto by 91-year-old Splash sister, Meg Skinner. “We play to win, absolutely.”
Meg Skinner and Grace Larsen, the two 91-year-olds on the team, are described by Huffington Post as the Lebron and Curry of the squad, who are arguably the current best players in the NBA.

On game day, the teams play three-on-three half court games made up of two 15-minute halves. The gym is filled with players greeting whoever walks through the door with big friendly smiles.
Before the start of each game, the Splash sisters huddle up together. They place one hand on top of the other in the center of their huddle and break with one synchronized chant,”One.. two.. three.. SPLASH!”
The inevitable tick-tock from the hands of Father Time and negative criticism by family and friends did not stop these remarkable women from getting out there to play ball.

Some people called them crazy. 87-year-old Marge Carl was told not to play because she could break an arm or leg.
“When I told my brothers, they said, they’ll put you away,” said 82-year-old Joanne Jansen.
None of them listened. They went and played anyway.

Grace Larsen purchased her first pair of basketball shoes at 78-years-old. “…I’ve never played all my life, never had the chance to play. Growing up we didn’t have sports like the girls do today. We didn’t have the opportunity to play— that was before Title IX. I thought, oh gee that would be so much fun if I could actually play basketball,” Larsen told ESPN W.
Despite never having played while growing up, Larsen is quite the basketball player. Her shot is described by her teammates as “money in the bank.”
The Splash sisters are not just about basketball. They’re about friendship, sisterhood, and family.
They remind us to take advantage of life– Move often, love abundantly and do the things you want to do.
“You only have one life, what the hell, go for it,” Grace said.

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(h/t): Huffington Post