Acts of Kindness
10-year-old works tirelessly to donate hundreds of books and pajamas to kids in shelters
What an inspiring young man!
Patricia Lynn

Dominic has the biggest heart of any 10-year-old out there. He has been working hard at donating pajamas and books to children in shelters for the past three years. He wants children who are otherwise not looking forward to a loving Christmas because they had to go to a shelter to escape domestic violence, be able to open a present. Through his efforts and the supports of others, he created Dom’s Pyjamas which has already contributed over 500 pairs of pajamas and over 1,000 books.


Dominic saw a need and found an opportunity to help.

He goes by Dom, and he lives in London, England. When he was just seven years old, he knew that he wanted to help others. When he heard that there were many children in shelters without anything to open at Christmas, he wanted to do something about it.


His idea was to give children who had to leave their homes, for various reasons but many due to domestic violence and go to shelters, have something to open at Christmas. Some children need to leave their homes suddenly and many do not have the chance to bring anything with them. So Dom thought of a great idea. He began collecting pairs of pajamas and books so that children in shelters would have something warm to wear and a story to read on Christmas eve.


He collects pajamas and books to give to children at Christmas affected by domestic violence.

Dom works hard many months in advance as donations roll in, sorting the books and pajamas by age groups. And then the fun begins. He and other children at his school hold a massive wrapping day where they carefully hand-wrap hundreds of books and pairs of pajamas to donate to the shelters.


This act of generosity gives children in shelters the opportunity, who otherwise may not have anything, to open a gift on Christmas eve. Something to make them feel warm and loved is no doubt a small gift that makes a huge difference in the lives of the children who desperately need love and cheering up.


His outreach continues to grow each year.

This year, Dom’s hard work campaigning and organization, along with the support of many others, donated more books and pajamas than the previous first two years combined.


People from all over the world mailed books and pajamas for Dom to send along to the shelter. His goal of bringing joy to more and more children is growing larger thanks to the help of his school and other people’s donations.

The mission stated on his website, “Even if it is just a fresh pair of pyjamas and a story to read I believe if this can make the smallest difference to a child then to me it is worth it.”


Dom’s courage to make a difference has touched the lives of hundreds of children and he can be proud of the work that he is doing in making the world a better place. Be sure to check out his website and Instagram page for the upcoming deliveries for Christmas!


Way to go, Dom!

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Article Sources:
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Source: Dom’s Pyjamas

Source: @doms_pyjamas
