Christmas is the perfect time to show our love and care for others.

This season always reminds us to share and give whatever we must to those who don’t have much.
It’s more than the material things, but more on the thought that counts.
People appreciate it too if you remember and notice what they need.
This is the message that East Idaho News’ Secret Santa is trying to preach.

Secret Santa, as the name suggests, is an unknown person who has a budget and uses it to spread love to others.
And while most of these Secret Santa Surprises include cash, gift cards, and material things, this anonymous character always considers what the person needs to know what to give them.
And this time, they chose this young mother whose life took a sudden turn early this year.

Natalie is a young mother of two; her little girls are three years old and eight months old, respectively.
During her pregnancy with her youngest child, she started feeling pain in her knees, and she thought it was only due to the pregnancy.
However, after giving birth, the pain remained.

She and her husband thought it was time to go to the doctor to see what was happening.
She had osteosarcoma or bone cancer which affected her right knee.
The pain she felt was not due to the pregnancy after all.
That news changed the course of their lives.

Natalie had to undergo chemotherapy rounds in Salt Lake City and has been driving miles to get her treatment.
The long drive took a toll on their family vehicle, and it broke down in Arizona.
They have been borrowing a family member’s car since they have no funds to get a new one.
Natalie had to go through a major injury where she lost her leg.

The doctors decided to remove the cancerous part of her leg, her knee, and they also had to reattach her foot to her knee so the joint would recover and heal.
After a few months in the ICU, they brought Natalie home – a leg gone, but not her faith.
Secret Santa wanted to help Natalie’s family adjust to their new normal.

Nate Eaton knocked on Natalie’s door, and she was surprised to see the squad.
You can see how her face still resonates with happiness and hope despite everything that happened. S
he said she was slowly recovering, and everything started to sink in.
Nate handed Natalie Secret Santa’s gifts one by one.

One box contained $2,000 worth of grocery gift cards and $3,000 of gas cards.
The grocery could help them keep warm during the winter and have food for the next couple of months, and the gas card could help them travel back and forth to the hospital.
But Secret Santa had a bigger gift for Natalie and her family.

Nate handed her a box with a car key inside, and their brand-new Honda CRV was waiting a few meters away from their driveway.
Plus, a $1,000 check so they can use it for registration and insurance.
Natalie’s face lit up with all these gifts, and she couldn’t help but cry tears of joy.