Young girl and her dance teacher slay Afro dance
We could watch these two dance all day! 💃🏾💃🏾
Tania Nemtzidou

This past year wasn’t easy nor pleasant, by far anyone asked would probably tell you that 2020 will go down in history as being nearly “apocalyptic”.

So many things have happened that we still cannot understand how it was even humanly possible to collate altogether! From a deadly virus taking the globe by surprise to “woke” social movements, riots, celebrity deaths, and presidential elections.


Too many things happening at the same time, bringing a lot of pressure and stress on us.

2020 has shown us that there are many racial issues still unsolved, deeply etched in the hearts of people. Color instead of being something “irrelevant”, it’s still a decisive factor that unfortunately keeps segregating us.


Therefore is nice when there are people out there trying to show us that there are more things in life that unite us than separate us. That color should be nothing more than a body feature.

jenybsg/ Instagram
jenybsg/ Instagram

Meet the beautiful Jeny Bonsenge, who along with her young student, the 11-year-old Anae have been spreading an amazing message through their dance routines!


This beautiful Belgian woman of Congolese heritage sat on Ellen De Generes’ sofa and told the world that “Love Has No Color”.

TheElleShow/ YouTube Screenshot
TheElleShow/ YouTube Screenshot

Jeny, who is the CEO of a dance school in Brussels, Belgium, has been teaching her students, among whom is Anae what we call “Afro-dance”.

For those who aren’t familiar with Afro-dance, it’s “a diverse and fascinating style originating predominantly from Sub-Saharan Africa”.

Jeny Bsg/ YouTube Screenshot
Jeny Bsg/ YouTube Screenshot

The dance is really lively and fast, you can see the dancers really following the beat of the music. Afro-dance really requires the use of all your body, even of your facial expressions.

WorldwideDance/ YouTube Screenshot
WorldwideDance/ YouTube Screenshot

One really beautiful and unique feature is that like in all the African dances, the audience is highly participatory as they are part of the performance.


You can see in the video, how while Jeny and Anea are dancing, the crowd around them doesn’t stay still and silent, but they actively cheer on them, singing and moving their body along the music, motivating in a way the continuation of the dance.

WorldwideDance/ YouTube Screenshot
WorldwideDance/ YouTube Screenshot

The two of them are definitely slaying that dance!

Their videos have become viral on multiples occasions, receiving praises and positive comments from the viewers.


One said, ” I love how EVERYONE is feeling it, the whole crowd behind them is swaying like an ocean in sync with the dancers like they’re itching to move it too!! I love this!!!”

WorldwideDance/ YouTube Screenshot
WorldwideDance/ YouTube Screenshot

While another wrote, “So good to see people of all cultures dancing together and having fun.”

Jeny Bsg/ YouTube Screenshot
Jeny Bsg/ YouTube Screenshot

Afro-dance has been becoming really popular in many dance schools throughout the world, and particularly in Europe, raising awareness about the African heritage and the culture behind it. And, as you can see, it is popular among people of different racial backgrounds and ethnicities.

WorldwideDance/ YouTube Screenshot
WorldwideDance/ YouTube Screenshot

Hopefully, we will see more people in the future spreading this beautiful message that all people are equal and where love can be found, there is nothing to separate us. Let’s give a big applaud to these two ladies for their dancing skills!

Watch the full video below.


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