Elderly woman robbed in church after praying with two strangers
Linda showed up early to church for a prayer meeting, but certainly never expected anything like this.
Ma Fatima Garcia

We know we need to careful wherever we are, and apparently that even means at a praper meeting in church.

At times, we can’t even feel safe in our neighborhood.

But there is one place where most of us find sanctuary.

It is a place where we feel safe and secure. It is where we go when we’re troubled and hurt.

YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition
YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition

It’s a place where we can rest our hearts and pray. When we go to a church, we just want to be quiet and pray.

Unfortunately, it seems like even in the most sacred place, we still have to watch our backs.

Who would have thought that we’d have to be so careful inside church walls?

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YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition

If you’re in disbelief, imagine what Linda Morrow felt when she realized someone robbed her inside a church?

Linda Morrow, 78, decided to go to Hilldale Baptist Church in Clarksville, Tennessee.

She arrived early, so she sat down while waiting for the other churchgoers.

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YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition

Then, two strangers approached Morrow to what seemingly looked like a friendly gesture.

They introduced themselves and even shook Morrow’s hand.

After a short conversation, Morrow and the two women decided to sit down.

One of the women sat in front of Morrow and the other at the back.

Looking at the video, you won’t suspect anything. Both women looked normal and friendly.

YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition
YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition

The one in front seemed to have suggested that she would lead a prayer and asked Morrow to join.

You would see in the video that the lady in front stood up and went in front of Morrow.

She kneeled while holding Morrow’s hands. It looked like a prayer request, then they both bowed their heads.

YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition
YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition

The video showed the ‘sincere’ way the woman prayed.

As it turned out, they needed this sincere prayer to distract the unsuspecting victim.

Morrow was praying with the woman, and just like any of us, she was focused on her prayer. That was when the other woman at the back slowly opened Morrow’s bag and pulled out her wallet.

She helped herself with Morrow’s cash and other valuable items.

After she was done with the wallet, she laid one hand on Morrow’s shoulder. It looked like she was joining them in deep prayer. It was also the time she returned the wallet inside the bag.

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YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition

They said their goodbyes with a smile and left, leaving Morrow clueless about what happened.

The poor woman trusted the strangers.

Who would suspect women inside the church asking for prayers?

Unfortunately, Morrow learned a valuable lesson that day.

Even if we are inside a Church, we should still be aware, mindful, and alert.

“I never in a million years thought anything like this would happen,” Morrow told in her interview with Inside Edition.

YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition
YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition

According to the police, the thieves went on a $7,000 shopping spree at Sam’s Club. They used Morrow’s credit card, and they were seen on the CCTV.

When Pastor Larry Robertson found out about the crime committed, he was furious!

Who wouldn’t be?

YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition
YouTube Screenshot / Inside Edition

He spoke about it in his lecture and said, “Keep your eye on your wallet, even in church, I guess.”

It was disappointing to know that some people would no longer feel guilty doing bad things inside a church.

For our safety, it is better to be extra alert.

Watch the details to this story in the video below!

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