Massachusetts winters can get very cold – and there are plenty of kids who don’t have the proper clothing to protect them and keep them warm.
That’s why one woman decided to step in with her time and resources.

An 87-year-old woman, who chose to remain anonymous, spent the last several months knitting hats for children in need. Believe it or not, there are many children in the US who don’t have proper winter clothing.
By the time she was interviewed by the local news, the woman had already knitted 87 hats!

“I like doing them. I think it’s fun. I just like to stay in the background,” she said. “Just because it makes me feel good that I can do something for someone.”
In order to get the hats to the kids, she asked her daughter to bag them and hang them on the Nelson Memorial Park in Plymouth.

One would think she would want at least a little praise for her kind act, but she wants to just stay private and do something useful.
This elderly mystery woman says it takes her a day to knit a hat. It is something she can do that keeps her hands active. Her mobility is somewhat restricted due to her age.

After a few days of the hats being hung on the fence, only four were left.
The woman hoped the hats would show those who don’t have anything that someone cared.
Loved doing this story today! A mystery woman knitted 75 winter hats for kids in need, and left them at a park for anyone to take! Hear from her at 5:15PM ONLY ON @boston25 #randomactsofkindness #givingback #GoodNews
— Litsa Pappas (@LitsaPappas) January 2, 2018
The mystery knitter also donates hats to the homeless shelters.

And she planned to keep doing what she could to get hats to kids every year.
She says that if she ever gets to see someone wearing one of her hats she would be thrilled to pieces. Making someone’s day a little brighter is all the thanks you want.
There are other elderly men and women performing similar acts of kindness like the mystery woman.
Morrie says that knitting hats for the homeless helps give him purpose.

He is confined to his bed but he doesn’t let that stop him from helping others.
Instead of using knitting needles he does them on a loom. He knits from morning to dinner with a few coffee breaks in between.
And there are people of all ages with big hearts – like this teen.

This young lady spends her extra time making hats for the homeless. This has special meaning to her because her Mom was once homeless. Each hat she makes has its own design so every person who gets one will have something that is unique for them.
She can knit up to five hats per day.
These acts of kindness go way beyond the hats themselves. They show that people are looking out for one another.
It tells those who don’t have much that someone cares.
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Sources: Boston 25 News, YouTube – Humankind, YouTube – NewsChannel5