Every now and then, a new challenge takes over the internet. When The Running Man Challenge was gaining momentum, an old lady knew she had to spread it far and wide.
They say that you should respect your elders. Do you? The police officers of Hollywood, Florida sure do, as this video proves.
The video begins with an old lady sat on a bench next to two young men.

One of the men has a radio in his lap, and he tunes it. A DJ then tells all the listeners to try to find The Running Man Challenge. To incentivize the listeners, the DJ says that there’s a prize for the first person to find it and call in.
So the woman gets off the bench and starts doing The Running Man Challenge dance. The two men that she was sat between do the same.

Then the old woman starts jogging down the beach.
She finds two police officers and informs them that she’s trying to find The Running Man Challenge. The police officers all direct the woman to a park. She heads off.
When the woman is out of shot, the officers all start dancing to the challenge.

Then the shot cuts to the chief of the Hollywood Police Department. He talks to his deputy, asking her the status on The Running Man Challenge.
After hearing of the requests, the deputy decides to mobilize all the officers to it.

The scene cuts to the old woman again. She finds two police officers in a park and walks up to them. Again, she informs them that she’s looking for The Running Man Challenge.
The officers start dancing, and then one of them directs her to The Hollywood Police Department.

Later, the woman arrives at the police station and asks an officer if it is the location of The Running Man Challenge.
Just then, another police officer throws a bucket of ice water over the first officer. The first officer then asks the old woman if that is the challenge that she’s looking for. The woman tells him that that challenge is so last year.

Someone else pops into the scene and directs the woman inside.
Inside, the cops at the front of the building direct the old woman into an elevator, which is filled with police officers doing The Running Man Challenge.

Then the old woman walks into a conference room, which is filled with police officers. She informs them that she’s looking for The Running Man Challenge.
All of the officers start dancing. One of the officers directs her to the third floor.
On the third floor, the officers invite the old woman to come on in. Down a corridor lined with dancing officers, the woman walks. Then more officers direct the woman to another floor.
Eventually, the old woman and the entire police department all meet up outside and dance together to The Running Man Challenge.

The video ends there. Almost as soon as it appeared on YouTube, it became popular with viewers. To date, it has been watched almost 300,000 times.
Some people may whine that this video was a waste of police time and taxpayer money. But it is important for everyone to have fun! And there’s no doubt that the cops had a lot of fun making this!
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