If you could design a “dream partner” what qualities and characteristics would they have? Probably loyalty, compassion, grace? Well…Kari Boyer can tell you all about it.
Kari Boyer, a woman from Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania, has found the answer to what are the qualities a young woman should look for in the man she wishes to spend a lifetime with. Drawing from her own experiences, she wrote a post on Facebook the other day, giving a piece of advice to young girls who are starting to pray for a man in their lives.

So, here’s what she deems important. First of all, she explains that a man should have his wife and children as his number one priority.
“Pray for the kind of man that will lay next to your future 13-year-old, on the bathroom floor, praying over her because she can’t keep a drop of water down. Pray for a man that will carry her down the stairs, to the car, and spend all night in the hospital by her side.”

These were Boyer’s exact words that accompanied a photo of her own husband and 13-year-old daughter lying on the bathroom floor.
The photo was apparently taken during a time when their daughter was severely ill and needed as much support as possible from her parents.
Additionally, she explains how important is for her that a husband wakes up early on Sundays to get his family ready for church. As she wrote, if he can be up at 4:30 am on a Saturday to go hunting, why not wake up at 6:30 on a Sunday to go to church? Well, that sounds reasonable.

Boyer stresses the fact that girls should always keep looking for “the one” until they actually find him. They shouldn’t make compromises or be led to marry men who they don’t believe are “the ones” only because they are tired of waiting. According to the woman’s post:
“No amount of waiting for a husband is worse than settling for the wrong spouse, and losing years of your life living outside of the will of God.”

And, honestly, women who have lived for years in abusive relationships, or just marriages that did not make them happy, can agree that it is worth waiting a little longer if it means that you will find the right person to spend your life with, in the end.
Boyer’s post soon became viral with 165K reactions and 254K shares. The Facebook community in their vast majority agreed with her regarding the qualities women should look for in their future husbands. Additionally, people in the comments started sharing their own stories, trying to prove Boyer’s point.

“Wow must be why I’m still single ,hardly a man like this . Very few good men or [women],” someone wrote, while an elderly woman commented: “I found a good husband at the age of 50. We have been married for 24 years.”
The woman’s post was intended to make people reflect on their choices and we hope it can be helpful for some young girls and boys out there. You can read the whole post on Boyer’s Facebook page.
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