Acts of Kindness
Woman Gives A Ride To Woman With Ailing Heart
She was kind and expected nothing in return - but she got a lot more back than she thought she would.
D.G. Sciortino

Heather Jones Hartmann doesn’t believe in coincidences. She believes the Universe puts people and situations in front of us for very specific reasons.

She believes that a woman named Janice was put in her path in order to teach her a lesson about the value of life and how things are never as bad as they seem.

Sometimes it takes putting someone like Janice in our paths to realize that. Heather said she wasn’t having the best day. She was throwing herself a little pity party when she came across Janice.

“I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason,” Heather said in a post that is now on the Spotlight Facebook page. “Today I was driving to work and feeling sorry for myself and my imperfect life. And then I passed this woman – Janice.”

While Heather was cozy in her car feeling bad about her life. Janice was hauling two heavy suitcases on foot and had been on the road lugging those large suitcases for several days.


“She was on the opposite side of the road dragging two ripped up suitcases that were almost as big as her and clearly heavy,” Heather wrote. “I was 3 minutes from work and almost kept driving there. I didn’t turn around the first chance I had, but I did turn around at the second chance, and I picked her up. She had been on the road for 4 days.”

After picking Janice up, Heather learned that Janice’s situation was far worse than her own.

“She had left NY after losing her job as a packer for a cosmetic company and was on her way to Baltimore where her Auntie was going to get her a job as a cleaning lady,” Heather said. “She had spent the night at Christiana Hospital because she has Congestive Heart Failure (she was lugging those heavy suitcases!!!) and had run out of meds.”

Heather decided that she would try to help out Janice as best as she could.

“I took her to the Elkton Library where she was going to meet someone who could get her closer to Baltimore, handed her every dollar I had in my wallet ($32?), and gave her a hug,” Heather explained.

Heather said that her encounter with Janice had a big impact her and gave her a new outlook on life.

“She smiled the entire trip and thanked me profusely. She never asked for anything. She wasn’t thumbing for a ride,” Heather wrote. “She wasn’t feeling sorry for herself or for her situation in life. It was a huge reminder to be grateful for what I have because things could always be worse! 30 minutes late to work? I’ll take it! Janice did way more for me than I did for her.”

It turns out that Janice’s story helped out more than people than just Heather.

Many people shared the photo on Facebook and commented on Heather’s efforts and how Janice helped them to realize that even if life isn’t perfect, it isn’t always bad.

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