This day in age, our children are taught in schools and at home about the dangers and ugliness of bullying. Unfortunately, there aren’t lessons for adults who act immaturely and go out of their way to bully other grown adults.
It’s sad, but this type of thing actually goes on.
Liz Krueger, unfortunately, had to experience adult bullying at an event that was supposed to be a joyous and loving occasion. The nutrition and fitness coach says she was “Mean Girls” style bullied while attending her friend’s wedding all because she was wearing a tight fitting dress.
“If only I knew that choosing this dress for a wedding on a 90-degree day meant so many women would be outrightly rude to me,” she wrote on her Instagram page.

The 31-year-old decided that she would wear a short, tight, strapless dress with heels and choker. It was hot a day so it seemed appropriate.
Apparently, some of the other uptight, or dare we say jealous, guests, didn’t think so.
Their “rude” behavior toward her actually crossed the line and became physical bullying rather than just dirty looks and comments. One woman slapped her behind while another purposely spilled a drink on her.
“… and even come up behind me and slap my as I’m standing alone. As quote, ‘It was a dare from her friends, bc I was a target,'” Krueger explained. “And then proceed to spill a full beer apilt down my arm. Just one of the maaaaany acts of kindness of the night!”

Krueger was shocked to see grown adults behaving in this manner.
“Yup. That happened,” she wrote. “Good thing for thick skin, being able to laugh at things and not take it personally, and good friends/hubby by my side. #adultsarebullytoo.”
Krueger was not about to let these girls ruin her good time.
“Regardless, we had one heck of a fun night and no ‘grown’ women’s comments/glares could bring me down as a wedding guest :),” she wrote.
Krueger said she was happy to get such a positive response from her post.
“Let this be a lesson to everyone. Your actions have consequences,” she wrote on Facebook. “People deserve respect, no matter what they are wearing. When these things happen to you, you have the RIGHT to talk about them, even when the person in the wrong tells you your ‘story’ is BS. Stand up for yourself. Don’t be a quiet lamb. Be confident. Be strong. At the end of the day, know who you are, so when someone (or thousands of people) try to tell you different…you know you’re right and they are wrong.”
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