Acts of Kindness
Woman Consoles Crying Child With Autism
What would you have done if you were a passenger on that flight?
Ashley Fike

A Rabbi named Bentzion Groner and his wife Rochel were returning home from chaperoning a trip to Israel. It was going to be a long flight, so the couple got comfortable — only to be interrupted by a child’s screams.

After being delayed for 3 hours already, the passengers began their 8-hour flight back to the United States. One hour into the flight, a young boy with autism began to have a total meltdown.

The passengers of the plane sat lovely as they listened to the child try and cope with his uneasiness the best way he knew how. Sadly, the only thing he knew to do was to scream and cry.

After 15 minutes, the young boy was still inconsolable; not even his parents were able to calm him down. That’s when Rochel had an idea and decided that she wanted to try something — and she was just the one for the job.

Rochel happens to run an organization, called ZABS Place, that helps employ young adults with disabilities; it’s an employment training center that also functions as a small boutique.

The rabbi’s wife approached the crying child’s parents and asked if she could try to help calm their son down. The parents agreed.

Rochel reached out her hand to the crying and uncomfortable boy, and he must have been able to sense that she was there to help; he reached out and grabbed her hand without any hesitation.


She sat down on the floor near the galley of the plane; the boy was starting to calm down already. Rochel would end up sitting with the young boy for 2 hours; the plane stared in disbelief.

Rabbi Groner snapped a couple of pictures of his wife during this heartfelt moment and took to Facebook to tell the world about his wife’s selfless act and its miraculous results. He was incredibly moved by the moment.


Rochel sat with the little boy and hugged him while letting him use a neck pillow as well; anything to make him feel comfortable and protected. Her tactics seemed to work because he certainly seemed content sitting with the nice woman.

Rabbi Groner’s full Facebook post is below. It’s a beautiful reminder to everyone that just the smallest amount of kindness and compassion can mean the world to someone else. Help spread the love.

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