Acts of Kindness
Dream finally comes true for woman as she becomes doctor at 50
The woman's very proud daughter couldn't help but brag online about her incredible accomplishment.
Luis Gaskell

There’s no time limit for success, even if the people around you want you to think so. Graduating at 24 is still an achievement, love found at 30 is still love, and getting a degree past your 30s is still a degree earned.

And this woman’s mother is a shining example of just that. Nya Syndab shared her mother’s dream coming true on Twitter. Her mom completed the six and a half years needed to earn her degree – at the age of 50, no less.

That’s a power move if I’ve ever seen one. And it’s one that a lot of us probably needed to see.

I don’t know where we hear the idea that the sooner you achieve success, the better. But it’s not exactly a fair assessment, nor one that holds up to scrutiny or in practice.

We all deal with different circumstances, and some people just get luckier than others.

Beating yourself up over things you have no control over is never a good idea, and it’s time to stop.

It doesn’t matter if someone started their own company at 21, or got their PhD before they were 30. Success isn’t a contest.

Nya Syndab’s mother is a single mom of 2, and had to quit her job to pursue her degree. All while looking absolutely stunning, as you can see. Most people expect older academics and students to look tired as heck, or have visible eye bags and signs of sleeplessness over work.

But somehow, Nya’s mom gets to look this good while earning a degree at 50 (going on 51). Matter of fact, she doesn’t look a day over 30.

Though her looks aren’t her greatest achievement here, just so we all remember.

In case you didn’t think she couldn’t impress us even more, she was actually putting her 2 kids through school at the same time. Mama’s one powerful woman, as you can tell.

Now, here’s where someone would normally say, “What’s your excuse?”

Though that’s not exactly a fair question, bearing in mind the kinds of circumstances and hurdles that most people face. Money, lack of connections, lack of time, and more come into play.

So don’t feel ashamed for the success that gets handed to other people on a silver platter. If you can’t finish college or get a PhD now, you will eventually. Anyone who tells you otherwise isn’t worth your time.

With the pandemic making all our lives harder too, that’s even more reason not to be too hard on yourselves for not being productive at this time.

It’s hard to study and go to work when a deadly virus has the whole world in its grasp and staying healthy and alive is a top priority. However, that won’t make anyone less deserving of opportunity and success when the time comes.

Just because someone managed to do something against impossible circumstances, that doesn’t mean you have to do the same. There’s no raising the bar here, or one-upping each other. Take the time you need and the help you can get. One day, you’ll be holding your degree in your hands and wonder why you were ever worried.

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