Acts of Kindness
Foster Mom Tries To Officially Adopt 13 Kids In Uganda But The Authorities Won't Let Her
Do you think she is too young to adopt the kids?
D.G. Sciortino

Katie Davis Majors had it all. She was homecoming queen at her Brentwood Tenn. high school, had a beautiful yellow convertible, and was on her way to college.

Some might think that giving that up to be a mother at such a young age would equate to throwing your life away, but Majors doesn’t see it that way.

Majors decided that instead of going to college she would live in Uganda to teach at an orphanage.

Stylianos Papardelas
Stylianos Papardelas

It was at that orphanage that she ended up becoming a foster mom to 13 orphaned or abandoned girls that were aged 2 to 15 by the time she was 23. Which must have been even more of a shock to her mother.

“People definitely ask me why so many? I don’t know,” she said. “These are the children that God brought to my door.”

She had no idea her life would turn out this way, but she knew it was her destiny when the opportunity presented itself.

“I think that’s definitely something that I was made for,” the devout Christian who idolizes Mother Teresa told NPR. “God just designed me that way because he already knew that this is what the plan was for my life — even though I didn’t.”

Stylianos Papardelas
Stylianos Papardelas

Many of the girls she adopted had been just left behind by their parents, abused, or had parents who died from AIDS.

“I feel like she’s really my mother because she shows me love and I feel like, yes, this is my mom,” said one of her adopted daughters named Prossy.

Not only did Majors find the girls that would become her children in Uganda, but she also found love.

She was married in 2015 and eventually had a biological son named Noah.

“That has been God’s greatest gift for me to find a husband who not only was willing but was excited to jump into our crazy life,” she told the TODAY Show.

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TODAY Screenshot

Majors then went on to start the nonprofit organization, Amazima Ministries which helps more than 400 children attend school, offers community health programs and feed thousands of children five days a week.

Although Majors is the foster parent of the 13 girls, she hoped to adopt them officially. However, not everyone supported her. According to the law in Uganda, Majors was too young to adopt the kids. The law states that in order to adopt, parents need to be at least 25 and at least 21 years older than the child being adopted. At the time, Majors was not old enough.

However, judges can make exceptions to these rules if it is in the “best interest” of the child. Since then, she was able to adopt the 13 girls.

She’s also gone on to become an author and recently published the book “Daring to Hope: Finding God’s Goodness in the Broken and the Beautiful.”

You can listen to Majors talk about her story and her book in her interview with TODAY below.

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Source: TODAY