Life is filled with phases and so much to see. If you live long enough, you might be lucky enough to see plenty of generations of your descendants come into the world.
Some of them might share a lot of similarities with you, such as a birthday.
When Iva Vest was growing up, life looked really different from how she knows it now.

Born in 1917, Iva Vest turned 105 last July.
She’s seen a lot of the world!
The New Mexico native remembers living without electricity and riding horses to get to school.

She has had a full and wild life. She went to school in a one-room schoolhouse and met her future husband there.
They were married for 55 years and had a big and beautiful family together.
Her great-great-great granddaughter was born just before her 105th birthday.

Iva’s descendants are fortunate that she has lived so long.
She has been able to see so many of her beloved family members grow up, and they get to share their lives with her.
In a turn of chance, Iva was around to witness one of her youngest descendants be born.
Iva and her husband had three daughters and seven grandchildren.

These grandchildren then had their own children.
One of Iva’s great-great-grandchildren recently had their own child, making that baby Iva’s great-great-great grandchild.
To mark the milestone and the miracle of the fact that Iva was still alive to see the birth, this baby was named Iva Jean.
Living as long as she has, Iva has had the chance to make all sorts of friends.

She is a beloved figure in her community. On the occasion of her 105th birthday, 70 people from the community got together to celebrate her birthday.
The event took place at her local church and it was a great way for her to reconnect with family and friends she had not seen in a while.
It’s wonderful at any age to have that many friends who want to celebrate with you, but it’s even more special at Iva’s age.
Iva celebrated in style.

In addition to having so many friends to party with, Iva came dressed the part.
She rang in her 105th birthday by wearing a pink tiara and a birthday sash.
She looked incredible and had fun, although she also said it was overwhelming to see so many people.
After all these years of living life, Iva had the luck to see a lot and learn a lot.

It’s great to speak to our elders because they have a lot of wisdom to share.
It’s amazing that she was still healthy enough to celebrate her age with friends and family.
She shared some important life advice with all of us, and it’s straight to the point.
While her daughters report that they learned from their mother to treat others as you would want to be treated, Iva herself told WDSU:
“Try to live a good life. Eat healthy.”

Sadly, Iva passed away several months after her 105th birthday.
But she had a very long, happy life, and her beautiful family will always cherish their memories together!
What do you think of Iva’s life advice? Learn more about her in the video below!
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