It’s not every day that you get to witness someone doing a good deed for no other reason than to make another person happy.
Laura Wolf was dining at a Waffle House in La Marque, Texas, when she caught glimpse of a waitress cutting up an elderly man’s food. The woman did it without being asked and was careful not to draw attention to herself or the man.

She simply saw a way to make things a little easier for this man and did so.
The elderly man was on oxygen and would have probably struggled to eat his meal had the waitress not helped him. Laura took a photo of the incident and shared it on social media, so the world could see this young woman’s kind act.

Laura posted:
“I don’t know her name, but I heard this elderly man tell her his hands don’t work too good. He was also on oxygen and struggling to breathe. 😔 Without hesitation, she took his plate and began cutting up his ham. This may seem small but to him, I’m sure it was huge. I’m thankful to have seen this act of kindness and caring at the start of my day while everything in this world seems so negative. If we could all be like this waitress & take time to offer a helping hand….🤝 #wafflehouse #kindness #givingback #offerlove #bekind #goodnews — eating breakfast at Waffle House.

The waitress’ name is Evoni Williams, and she has been working at the Waffle House restaurant for a little over a year.
She is working to save up money for her college education, so she can major in business management. After the photo went viral and everyone learned that it was Evoni in the photo, the mayor caught word of it and decided to dedicate March 8, 2018, in her honor. Mayor Bobby Hocking talked about the young waitress, saying:
“This is probably more of a lifestyle of Evoni. Because she does this from her heart. It just so happens somebody got a picture of this one time of many.”

Evoni couldn’t believe that the mayor had recognized her in such a way, but that wasn’t all.
Texas Southern University offered her a $16,000 scholarship and the help of a counselor so she could enroll in school sooner than she had planned. Evoni was in tears over the gift. She still maintains that she didn’t think twice about helping out the elderly man. In an interview, she said:
“It’s something I would do any other day.”
The post about Evoni was shared over 54,000 times, and she received an outpouring to support as a result.
Many people commented on the post saying things like:
“God bless you for your kindness. I am sure he was grateful also!!!!”
Another person commented:
“Way to go sweet lady. 💕 My God bless you and your family and the little old man as well. 👏 Kindness goes a long way.”
And another posted:
“Thanks for sharing this. So much negativity on FB. Nice to see a simple, nice thing being done for a fellow human.”

It’s refreshing to see so many people sharing something positive on social media and to see a young woman who went out of her way to help a stranger, rewarded with something she was working toward.
Evoni is definitely a special girl and now that she doesn’t have to work so hard to pay for college, she will have even more time to help others and spread kindness. Hopefully, this story will help other people go out of the way to help others, too.
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