Acts of Kindness
Volunteers Cook Meals For Hurricane Harvey Responders
Though Sake Sushi Bar's owners aren't looking to be patted on their backs for the efforts, Keith decided that they at least needed a shout out. Join us in saying thank you!
D.G. Sciortino

In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, residents, businesses, volunteers, and responders are doing everything they can to help one another.

The folks at Sake Sushi Bar and Lounge in Port Arthur, TX are among those going above and beyond to lend a helping hand to those in need during these difficult times.`

Keith Nguyen took to Facebook to applaud the efforts of his father, Phe Nguyen, and his uncle, Binh Nguyen who own the restaurant and have been working non-stop to provide delicious meals to those who are running out of food.

Keith Nguyen
Keith Nguyen

“My dad and uncle Binh own a restaurant in Southeast Texas and they were also affected by Harvey but the media doesn’t cover it,” Keith said on Facebook. “Today them, their staff and volunteers helped create over 1000 meals for victims, first responders, and other volunteers.”

Though Sake Sushi Bar’s owners aren’t looking to be patted on their backs for the efforts, Keith decided that they at least needed a shout out.

“My dad and uncle are both very humble about it but I believe they at least deserve recognition and appreciation for everything that they do,” Keith wrote. “Their restaurant is Sake Sushi Bar and Lounge in Port Arthur, TX. If you’re ever in the area you should stop by and support these hard working men, or even share their good deed on Facebook. They deserve it.”

Keith Nguyen
Keith Nguyen

Keith got his wish because his post was shared on Facebook more than 244,000 times on his Facebook page alone. It was also shared on Love What Matters’ Facebook page where it was shared more than 8,500 times.

Keith’s post is also being shared by national media outlets.

Many people on social media have been applauding the efforts of Sake Sushi Bar and Lounge.

“It takes people like this to prove to all America that we have good, kind-hearted people everywhere!” said one individual. “Thanks and God bless!”

“God bless Binh Nguyen and Phe Nguyen for their generosity,” said another. “Everyone should look up the Sake Sushi Bar and Lounge when in Port Arthur, TX!!!!”

“Words cannot convey the gratitude and thanks for your great deed!” a commenter said. “We are all one!!”

According to the Beaumont Enterprise, the brothers got their hard work ethic and sense of community from their father.

“We want our restaurant to be a fun community experience that appeals to families and friends on any day of the week,” Phe Nguyen told them in 2016.

Something tells me that their restaurant will be from here on out if it wasn’t already.

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