Signing up for military service is no joke.
The lives of military men and women are put on the line each day.

Part of their sacrifice is fighting for the nation, knowing that, anytime, a fatal injury could claim their lives.
Their patriotism is undoubtedly heroic and inspiring.
We are thankful for their sacrifice and the service they provide.

U.S. Army Specialist Christopher Garrett was deployed in Afghanistan, where he sustained a gunshot wound that almost killed him.
The bullet hit his lower abdomen and went out through his butt cheek.
He almost did not make it back to the USA, but he survived the incident but, sadly, was left disabled.

Christopher returned to his home, where his wife, Brittany, welcomed him with open arms.
Although he had an injury and is having difficulty moving, Christopher made it a point to always mow their lawn.
It was more exhausting than when he did not have the injury, but he wanted to live normally and do what he usually does for his family.

His medical leave was what he needed to gain back his strength at the time.
Doing house chores is one way for him to recover from his harrowing experience and injury successfully.
While trying to recuperate, one incident that happened in their neighborhood brought the army man to tears.

In a Facebook post, Christopher’s wife, Brittany, shared the following story.
She saw her husband in tears as he entered their home carrying their child and a piece of paper in his hand.
Her initial thought was that someone had died, but she immediately dismissed the idea.

When he asked him what the matter was, it was revealed that the reason behind her husband’s tears was from a much more beautiful story.
As it turned out, someone left a lawn mower in their front yard, and it came with a letter.
Christopher had tears in his eyes as he handed the letter to his wife, who read the simple but meaningful message written on it:
“I hope this saves time for the things that matter most in your life. Thank you for your service and for my freedom. Sincerely, a grateful American.”

Brittany was trying to fight her tears as she read the message from an anonymous person.
It was such a beautiful letter, and it gave her something to be thankful for as well.
When Christopher and his wife went to their front yard, they saw the lawn mower waiting.
It was what the letter meant about saving time.
Because of his disability, mowing the loan has been more challenging for Christopher, but he never gives up on ensuring the front yard is clean.

Someone nearby must have heard about his situation and decided to help him by giving him a lawn mower.
It will definitely make things easier and faster for him.
Christopher is thankful for the gift, and he and his wife shared the beautiful story with the Facebook page “Love What Matters,” where it garnered more than 28,000 likes and was shared over 8,000 times.
Read Brittany’s original story in the post below!
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