Acts of Kindness
Veteran Drives Elderly Lady In Wheelchair Home
Most employees were not concerned at all when this elderly lady in a wheelchair said she didn't have a way to get home - then this veteran stepped in.
Ryan Aliapoulios

A trip to the hospital is not something anyone looks forward to.

Though it’s great to be able to the medical care we need, being at a hospital means that something is seriously wrong—and sometimes those kind of problems are not easily fixed. While the hospital is already a frightening enough place for someone who is relatively young, it can be even scarier at times for the elderly.

That was the case in one story out of Ft. Campbell, Kentucky.

It all began when Ashley Cherry and her husband were leaving the ER.

On the way out, the couple saw an elderly woman at the front desk in a wheelchair. Though it was time for her to leave, she had no way to get home. Cherry wrote about what she saw on Facebook:

“My husband and I were in the ER and an elderly lady was wheeled out to leave. She told the receptionist she had no family or ride home. I was saddened to see some (not all) of the employees lack of concern as to how she would get home.”

Still, what happened next shocked and amazed her.

A man approached the elderly woman and offered to help.

Cherry’s post continues to explain what happened:

“All of the sudden this AMAZING gentleman who had been waiting with his wife approached the lady and told her he would gladly take her home. This man not knowing her or having a clue where she lived volunteered his time to care of this lovely woman. She offered to pay but he kindly declined like any good man would. As he went to get his truck I wheeled her out and put her in the vehicle. As I watched them drive away my only thoughts were ‘there are still great people in this world’ ‘and ‘We have to care for our elders like this nice man.’”

Needless to say, the story has garnered more than 65,000 reactions on Cherry’s own Facebook—and more from viral publishers.

Above all, this story shows the power that the kindness of strangers can have on our life.

Although Cherry wasn’t able to fully identify who the man was who helped out, his kind actions changed her outlook that day—not to mention the effect it had on the elderly woman! At the end of her post, Cherry offered her appreciation for everything the man, named Jeffery, had done:

“Not only does this man serve our great country, he serves his great little community. I just wanted to give a little recognition and respect to this man. Jeffery, if you see this, just know your deeds are recognized and appreciated by your community. Thank you Sir for serving our country and our community.”

Here is the post in full:

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Source: Love What Matters, Facebook/Ashley Cherry
