I love this story. It’s a heartwarming reminder that it is never too late to make a difference – in your own life or in someone else’s.
In June 2017, 98-year-old veteran Russ Gremel decided to make a landmark decision. He donated $2 million worth of Walgreens’ stock to the Illinois Audubon Society and adopted an elderly Chihuahua.

Yep, that’s right. The generous man gave a huge sum of money and changed the life of a furry little friend too.
The money will be used to purchase around 400 acres of land, which will then be converted to habitats for hundreds of species of birds – not to mention a place where people can come and learn about nature.
“It’s incredibly generous,” Illinois Audubon Society executive director Jim Herkert told TODAY. “It’s allowing us to protect a really valuable and important piece of property and fulfill one of Russ’ wishes that we could find a place where people could come out and experience nature the way he did as a kid.”
The refuge is located near Dixon and Amboy in Chicago. It was also named after Russ on June 4 in honor of his philanthropic donation.
“I’m a very simple man,” Russ told the Chicago Tribune. “I never let anybody know I had that kind of money.”
At 98 years old, Russ isn’t slowing down anytime soon. But what made him decide to donate this year?
“Why not give it to them now, when … I have the pleasure and enjoyment of seeing it,” Russ answered.
“A lot of people will be able to use it,” he also told TODAY. “It makes me happy.”
Russ’s two million dollar fortune came from a simple decision of buying $1,000 worth of Walgreens stock almost 70 years ago.

Even though the stock value grew exponentially, Russ’s lifestyle did not change. Russ’s neighbor, Patrick Falso, told TODAY that Russ “always lived frugally”.
According to Patrick, Russ had also said several times that the “money wasn’t [his] to begin with” and that he had always been planning on giving it away.
Russ had the means to do so too. As a bachelor with no children, Russ has lived in the same Chicago house for 95 years. He prefers oatmeal and stew over “fancy foods” and his last car, a Dodge Omni, was over 25 years old.
After he served in World War II, Russ attended law school at Northwestern University and retired at the young age of 45. Since then, he has made a name for himself in the community with acts like serving as a Boy Scout scoutmaster for more than 60 years.
For some families, he has been the same scoutmaster for generations.
Jack Henehan, a former scout of Russ’s, told the Chicago Tribune that Russ has a “big, open heart.” “Every single person who knows him from the troop knows that.”
While Russ has changed the lives of many in his community, Russ’s life has also changed by becoming a father. On Father’s Day, Russ adopted an elderly Chihuahua named Winnie.
Winnie the chihuahua is 9 years old who had been picked up as a stray a few months ago. The brave dog experienced treatments for cancerous growths and recovered beautifully – now, all she needed was a forever home.
Russ and Winnie finding each other was no coincidence. Russ had lost a beloved Chihuahua of his own (named Tiger II – yes there was a Tiger I) earlier in 2017.
Russ reached out to Colleen Collins, the founder of Perfect Pooches Adoption Agency, for another furry friend. Colleen saw how comfortably Winnie settled in Russ’s lap, and the rest is history.
The adoption became final on Father’s Day. Winnie – now known as Tiger III – fits right in.
“Everybody loves her,” Russ said. “She’s giving me lots of love right now.”
Best wishes to Russ and Tiger III, and thank you for being such an inspiration for your community.
Please SHARE this amazing man’s story with your friends and family.
Source: Today