When we think about meeting new friends the most common scenario we think about is meeting them through work or school. Other times we meet our new friends through the coffee shop, laundry, cafe, or simply being our next-door neighbor. This man found a new friend through listening to his neighbor playing the piano.
Giorgio Lo Porto is an Italian living in London.

He lives alone in his apartment and found out that he has a new neighbor. You may think that this is just an ordinary neighbor. But, no this neighbor knows how to play the piano. And he can play it beautifully.
Giorgio recorded his neighbor playing the piano and shared it on TikTok for his followers to hear. Everyone was in awe at the beauty of the music. Despite the music being muffled behind their common wall, you can still hear it clearly.

Giorgio is also a pianist! However, he hasn’t played in months. As a sign of his appreciation for his neighbor, Giorgio left a note for his neighbor telling him that he enjoyed his music.
In his letter, he took the opportunity to request a song, “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion. His neighbor played it beautifully!

Then Giorgio thought of a brilliant idea! Leaving his neighbor another note, Giorgio suggested that they play something together.
The twist to it is he will play the first part of the song and the next part will be played by his neighbor.
It can be difficult considering that they had a wall separating them, but they were both able to do it! At 2pm Girgio sat in front of his piano and began to play. As soon as he stopped, his neighbor started playing.

It was such a beautiful way of meeting and gaining a new friend that viewers were surprised and awed at the two.
Their piano duets became their weekend “meet-up.” They shared their love for music. So, on Valentine’s Day, they played a duet to cheer everyone who hears.
“It’s Valentine’s Day. We’re in lockdown. This was our way of saying, I don’t know who you are but I’m here. You’re not alone,” Giorgio wrote on TikTok.

Eventually, the time came for them to meet.
Everyone was excited for them to meet. Giorgio and his neighbor were too. It was an unlikely friendship that bloomed over their love for music.
“Well, today I have met my neighbor,” Giorgio wrote in a video he shared on February 21. “It was better than expected.”
Is it a man or a woman?

Giorgio’s neighbor is a 78-year-old man named Emil. He’s staying at the apartment temporarily while he waits for his house to be sold. Sadly, he lost his wife due to COVID.
Luckily, he met Giorgio, who helped him heal.
“He thanked me for keeping him motivated and less lonely,” Giorgio said. “And I promised that I’ll play with him until he moves out.”

Moved by Emil’s story, Giorgio suddenly woke up with 3 notes in his head.
Inspired to create a song, he added some string orchestration and finally finished his first song. He called the song “Dear Emil.” The song was absolutely beautiful, just like the person it was based on.

A few days later, Giorgio announced that Emil was moving out. He shared their last weekend duet—the highly-requested “Moonlight Sonata.” However, tragedy struck.
One day, Giorgio found out that Emil had passed away in his sleep.

“Dear Emil,” Giorgio wrote. “I knew very little about you, but you changed my life. You gave me back my passion, and we shared that with the world. You’ll be in my heart. I’ll keep playing, thinking of how powerful music can be. You said I was your light, but you’ve been mine too. Bye, Emil.”
Emil is finally reunited with his wife. He’s probably having a blast playing the piano up there.
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