There are few things stronger than the bond between twin siblings.
While we generally think of twins as being more alike than they are different, the truth is that no set of twins are alike. Similarly, there can often be significant differences between the minds of two twins that are otherwise identical.
One such case is between sisters Jada and Maya.
Although Jada and Maya share a lot in common, Jada faces a very unique struggle.
Shortly after the twins were born, their mother, writer Niki Marsden, got some scary news from one of the nurses. Jada’s brain had been bleeding—she had survived a very rare pediatric stroke. Her condition is called ataxic cerebral palsy and it affects between five to 10% of children around the world.
Despite the hardship, Jada’s disability has only strengthened the bond between these two sisters.
The family was interviewed on Special Books by Special Kids, a YouTube channel dedicated to children with disabilities.
According to Maya, she is dedicated to making sure her sister is always laughing and always progressing. To help her communicate, the two have developed their own “Jada language” that seemingly only Maya can decode. Maya says she will never leave her sister’s side:
“I want to live with her and help her. I think she’s going to grow up to be a very independent and great woman.”
Although Jada faces many challenges, Maya wants to be her sister’s caretaker.
She plans on helping her learn to walk and talk by showing her how it’s done and giving her all the attention she needs. For her part, Marsden wrote about her experiences raising Jada and Maya in Complex Child, a monthly magazine covering children with disabilities. In her article, Marsden wrote about the power of spirituality by quoting Rumi:
“Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom.”

Jada has learned to walk and continually works with a team of therapists to help her progress.
In all, the story of Jada and Maya teaches us the value of selflessness and love. No matter how hard her life gets, Jada can be sure that her sister Maya is there to pick her up and make sure she’s safe.
Here’s to hoping this adorable duo starts a YouTube channel!
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