Acts of Kindness
Parents trust bus driver with kids, never thought he’d hatch a plan on day school was delayed
No one knew what he was planning.
Jenny Brown

Some days, you meet people who remind you that the world is full of good hearts.

And today, that person is bus driver Wayne Price.

Wayne Price - Facebook
Wayne Price - Facebook

When he realized many students on his route hadn’t eaten breakfast due to delayed school meals, he made sure no one would start the day hungry.

An Unexpected Delay

Montevallo Middle School in Alabama started late one day.

Why? Because the school would be delayed for a few hours due to the weather.

Robert A. Klingler Co. LPA
Robert A. Klingler Co. LPA

This meant that many kids wouldn’t get their morning meal at school.

Wayne Steps Up

Enter Wayne Price. As he drove his route that morning, students shared their hunger woes with him.

They told him they hadn’t had their breakfast and were hungry.


Understanding how important a morning meal can be, Wayne decided he couldn’t let these kids go hungry.

A Quick Stop

Instead of heading straight to school, Wayne made a quick stop at a nearby McDonald’s.

He bought sandwiches for every student on his bus using his money.

That’s right – he ensured that each kid had something warm and filling to eat.

Serious Eats
Serious Eats

Students’ Reactions

Can you imagine the looks on the students’ faces when Wayne handed out the breakfast treats?

One student said, “We were all super surprised and grateful.” The smiles and thank-yous were endless.

The School’s Response

When the school heard about Wayne’s kind gesture, they were blown away.

The school’s principal, Dr. Allison Campbell, mentioned how much they appreciated Wayne.

City of Montevallo
City of Montevallo

She said, “Mr. Price, one of our bus drivers, truly demonstrates the spirit of Christmas!”

It was clear that the school was proud of their bus driver.

The Power of Kindness

Wayne’s act might seem simple, but it speaks volumes.

Just think about it – he turned an ordinary day into something extraordinary for those kids.

He showed them that there are people who genuinely care. It’s moments like these that stay with you forever.

Wayne’s Thoughts

And as for Wayne? He felt it was just the right thing to do.

He shared, “I’m not a hero. I just love the kids. I treat them like they’re my own.”

His words truly capture the heart of someone who goes above and beyond.

Montevallo Elementary School
Montevallo Elementary School

The Bigger Picture

Kind gestures like these remind us all of the good in the world.

They show us that even small acts can make a big difference.

For those students, it wasn’t just about the food. It was about knowing someone cared enough to make their day better.

A Legacy of Compassion

While this story highlighted one act, it soon became clear that Wayne had a history of going the extra mile.

Former students fondly recalled times he’d waited an extra minute at a stop for a running student or offered words of encouragement before a big test.

For many, Wayne Price isn’t just a bus driver; he’s a pillar of compassion in the community.

His breakfast gesture was just another chapter in a legacy of caring that many hope will inspire others.

Click the vide below to learn more about this sweet act of kindness!

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