Truck driver Paul Robertson loves what he does. However, while he does enjoy driving, it can get lonely driving mile after mile alone on the road. And so, since Robertson is an animal lover, he decided to adopt a cat named Howie.

For years, Howie sat by Robertson’s side, keeping him company on his long hauls. When Howie passed away in 2017, Robertson was devastated.
He decided he wanted to give another neglected cat a good home, and so he headed to an animal shelter to find his new companion.
The shelter staff introduced Robertson to a ginger cat named Percy. Robertson quickly knew Percy was the right cat for him.

Percy hadn’t had an easy life. He had been living on the streets, and he had clearly been in a few fights. He had an injury above his right eye, and he was missing one of his canine teeth.
But even though Percy had had a rough past, he was still as sweet as could be. He immediately bonded with Robertson, and Robertson decided to officially adopt him.

Soon after Robertson adopted Percy, they headed out for their first long-haul trip together. Percy loved riding in the truck!

During their first two weeks together, Robertson mostly drove through the Midwest. Percy got to see the Badlands, the Rocky Mountains, and tons of bison.
Percy loved every minute of the trip!
“He’s very affectionate and loves to crawl on my lap, up my chest, and then rub cheeks with me,” Robertson wrote on Facebook. “He loves to play. He purrs a lot. And of course, he’s a cat: he loves to eat and he loves to snooze.”

In February 2017, Robertson experienced one of the biggest scares of his life. While Percy and Robertson were at a rest stop in Ohio, Percy jumped out of the truck to chase some birds.
Robertson ran after him, but Percy was too fast. Robertson couldn’t find the cat anywhere, and he had thousands of dollars worth of merchandise in his truck he had to deliver.
With a heavy heart, Robertson drove away without Percy.

Robertson shared that Percy was missing on his Facebook page, and his followers quickly jumped into action to help him.
Robertson’s followers called shelters all over Ohio, hoping to find the sweet orange cat, but nobody had seen him. When Robertson arrived at his destination in Indiana, he still had no idea about where Percy was.

And then, Robertson saw a flash of orange by his feet. He looked down and saw Percy immerging from under the truck. The clever cat had stowed away under the body of the rig.
Percy was hungry and tired, but thankfully he was okay.
After that incident, Robertson made sure to keep a close eye on Percy whenever he opened his truck door!

Percy and Robertson have now been together for a few years, and they love each other. Percy has brought so much joy to Robertson’s life.
“The other day I caught myself laughing at one of his antics and I thought: ‘It’s nice to live alone sometimes ’cause you can have everything your own way – but I wouldn’t be laughing like this if I were alone.’ Percy is good for my spirit and soul,” Robertson said.

Roberston and Percy are a sweet pair who love each other and care for each other. We’re so glad they’re traveling together!
Check out a sweet video of the pair below!
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