Having a new baby in the home is always an exciting thing in a home. There is usually a room prepared for the baby that has been painstakingly fixed. The house has been baby-proofed and all the sharp corners accounted for. There is an influx of new, strange devices and toys that will need assembling.

While all of this is exciting, if you already have a kid, it has a different feel.

For second-time parents, bringing home the newborn is exciting for a different reason. The, now older, sibling gets to meet the new baby for the first time! Whether its an older brother or sister, it is often one of the most exciting things to experience. You just hope that the two are going to love each other as much as you love them.
One family captured an incredible moment on video.

With phones having video built into them, the world now gets to see some pretty incredible things. This is an example of an intimate and private moment that was captured on video for the family (and consequently the world) to look back on in wonder.
It starts off with a little boy looking up at his dad.

This little boy is standing in a hallway looking up at his dad. The thing that is different, however, is that his dad is holding a special package. That special package isn’t from Amazon, either! It’s from a “stork” and the family is probably very happy to have it delivered.
Pointing up to his dad, he wants to know what in the world is going on.

While the little boy is pointing, the family lets him in on what the package is – its a baby! They whisper it, letting us know that this is a newborn who is probably asleep.
The boy mumbles something in a language only the parents can understand.
After the little boy talks, his parents translate it to “You want to hold the baby?” and it all makes sense. Leading him to the couch, they decide to let him sit with his new baby sister. The boy can’t be older than 2 or 3 so this is probably the only other sibling he has!

Hopping up on the couch, the family gathers around to witness the wonderfully cute moment.
With dad gently handing over the small package, nobody could have expected what happened next! As the little boy got his sister in his lap, he was continuously being coached “gentle, gentle” by his parents. Soon after, as gently as can be, he leaned over and gave a big smooch on her little cheek.

When he kissed his sister, the hearts of everyone in the room melted.
You can tell when a parent’s heart melts. In this moment, the entire family turned to little puddles from the sheer cuteness on display before them. The boy was a little shocked at his parent’s reactions to his display of affection! He decided that his parents seemed to enjoy the kiss so he gave a few more, just for good measure.

It seems that these two hit it off perfectly.
In ten years or so, this will be a great video to pull out from the archives and show to the two of them when they are in the middle of an argument!
Check out the cute video below!
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