Acts of Kindness
The Rock gives “up-and-coming” UFC fighter a fighting chance with unbelievable gift
"Welcome home." 💘
Jessica Adler

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, the global superstar, knows all too well the struggles of making ends meet.

Early in his wrestling career, he faced financial hardships, at one point having just $7 to his name and living out of his car.

This background made him resonate deeply with Themba Gorimbo, an emerging UFC fighter.

Themba Gorimbo, while carving a niche for himself in the UFC world, is no stranger to financial challenges.

He sends most of his earnings back to his family in Zimbabwe.

His commitment to his community is evident, as he even funded a well for his village to ensure they had access to clean drinking water.

To make this possible, he had to sell his gear.

Gorimbo’s dream is to save enough to buy a house in Miami and reunite with his family.

But for now, he’s been making do by sleeping on a gym couch.

Recently, he had a mere $7.49 in his bank account, a situation that Dwayne Johnson couldn’t overlook.

Johnson, upon learning about Gorimbo’s situation, hinted at his intention to help in a tweet.

However, the specifics of his assistance remained a mystery to Gorimbo.

The surprise unfolded during an interview when Johnson, after a brief chat, led Gorimbo to what would be a life-changing revelation.

YouTube - The Rock
YouTube - The Rock

Under the pretense of introducing Gorimbo to a friend, Johnson took him to a house.

After dinking around the place “waiting” on the mysterious “friend” to arrive, Johnson had a confession to make.

With heartfelt sincerity, he announced, “This place is yours. You don’t have to think about anything. The only thing you think about is your family, getting them over here, getting them with you, your training, and becoming champion.”

YouTube - The Rock
YouTube - The Rock

Johnson’s generosity didn’t stop at just providing a home.

He committed to leasing the house and covering all of Gorimbo’s expenses for as long as he resides there.

YouTube - The Rock
YouTube - The Rock

Overwhelmed by the gesture, Gorimbo could only express his gratitude through repeated thanks and hugs.

With his immediate housing concerns addressed, he’s now even more motivated to achieve his dreams.

And he already has plans for the money he was saving for a house.

YouTube - The Rock
YouTube - The Rock

“I’m going to build another borehole in my village now when I land in Africa,” Gorimbo shared with enthusiasm.

“I’m going to build it because we need another one.”

YouTube - The Rock
YouTube - The Rock

The touching moment of Johnson’s surprise and Gorimbo’s heartfelt reaction can be seen in a video, showcasing the profound impact of kindness and the difference one act can make in someone’s life.

See the heartwarming moment Gorimbo is blessed with a new house from his hero below!

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