It’s always wonderful to see kids taking care of animals. Kids can be very empathetic, and it’s great when they extend that empathy to members of the animal kingdom.
A group of students is the perfect example of this. These teens knew just what to do when they found a little animal in need.

Squirrels do pretty well for themselves in winter, but occasionally, temperatures dip so deep and so quickly that they can get caught out in the snow without enough resources to keep them warm.
And when a group of teens came across one such squirrel, they rushed over to help.
It’s not clear what’s going on with the squirrel at first – it simply isn’t moving, even when multiple people come right up to it.

“Should we, like, take it?” asked one of the boys.
It was quickly followed by a confident response.
“This is a rescue mission.”
One boy gently lifted the squirrel off the ground with his mittens. One girl among the crew can be heard expressing concern about whether or not the squirrel would make it, but her heroic pal put her at ease right away. In fact, he was sure they were going to be saving this squirrel’s life.
“If this squirrel dies, I’m actually gonna cry.”
Gently holding the squirrel to his chest, he says: “Don’t worry, we’re going to get it somewhere safe and warm.”

There appears to be a group of 4-5 students on their way to or from school marching to safety with the frozen creature. And someone finally asks: why is the squirrel so cold if they’re supposed to be able to live outside?
They didn’t have answers, but they plodded ahead regardless.

Knowing there wasn’t much they could personally do for the squirrel, they went to find an adult to consult – a girl named Anna’s mom. (While the video says “Hannah,” the person who shot the video later corrected it.)
They explained that they found the squirrel near the side of the road, under the snow, and not moving.
“Oh god, Anna,” was her first response.
And we had to laugh because it’s probably the first reaction that most parents would have if they saw a group of kids nestling a rodent and hoping they could save its life.
“I can’t just leave him,” Anna pleads.
At that point, there are enough students involved that they’re not going to take no for answer. So it appears Anna’s mom relented and let them take the squirrel into the garage.

After gently setting the squirrel on a shelf, someone used a smartphone to illuminate the squirrel.
And the creature seemed a little more alert (probably out of both warmth and fear – squirrels are pretty skittish!).
Once it climbed in someone’s hair, they decided it was acting appropriately “squirrely” again. Thank goodness! And for a moment, the squirrel almost looked like it was trying to explain to them what happened.

After deeming it “a little sweetie” it was time for the group to figure out what to do with the creature.
After putting the squirrel in a shoebox (presumably with something to warm it up even further), the group decided to take the squirrel to a vet.
Their job is over once they sign him into the vet’s office.
After the video was shared, Jacky Pan, one of the students involved and the person who shot the video chimed in with the full story in the YouTube comments:

These teens did a great job looking after this little squirrel, and thanks to them, he was able to get the help he needed to survive. What a kind group of kids.
Check out the video of the squirrel rescue below!
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