Single mothers often need a break.

They usually struggle while raising their children, since they need to take care of them and provide all the necessary stuff, while at the same time, they feel lonely.
They spend most of the day working in order to provide food and shelter for their children, while being alert when they are with their children so that the kids feel safe and happy next to them.
These kinds of parents can sometimes deal with depression, as they feel a lot of pressure since both good and bad experiences with their kids cannot be shared with a partner.

Kristen Anderson, a single mother of four children lives in Florida and works as a server at a Chili’s restaurant in Merritt Island.
The woman works there six days a week, which is necessary in order to get enough money to make sure her family will be fine.
“I’ve been saving and crashing with friends and just scraping every penny to try and get us into an apartment,” she wrote in a Facebook post, according to FOX 35 Orlando.

About a year ago, the struggling single mother had a very special experience that actually changed her life, as she admitted.
You see, some local high school students were performing in their spring musical, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and at some point, their performances finished.
That night, those 25 teenagers went to Chili’s to have a nice dinner, and Kristen and her colleagues handled everything that those students would need.
It was at the end of the meal that things took an unbelievable turn.

When leaving the restaurant, the students made sure to leave a good tip for the kind and sweet server.
Actually, they left about a 60% tip, which even made Anderson cry.
“I went to the back to count it and I saw $300, and I hit the floor,” the single mother said in an interview. “My knees came from underneath me and I started balling.”

Even when she shared that amazing gesture that the kids did for her, her eyes welled up with tears.
Only a few hours later, Anderson made a post in a local Facebook group, in which she expressed how thankful she was.
As the woman wrote, those teens “restored [her] faith in humanity”.
She also made sure to highlight that those kids’ parents should be very proud of them because they are “darn good”!

So, after that post, Anderson’s life took the best twist.
After the woman had been financially helped by the 25 teens, she got extra financial help from people she didn’t even know, but had just read her Facebook post.
Several group members messaged her asking if they could help her pay for some of her utilities.
The struggling mom never expected one dinner to lead to so much kindness.

She couldn’t be more grateful.
A few days later, she went to Merritt Island High School and was glad to see many of the students that had just changed her life.
What an amazing story!

Listen to Anderson about these kindhearted teens in the video below!
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